Author Topic: Someone, just please, I'm broke, get me JC2  (Read 2544 times)

All I want is JC2 and the monster truck.

User was banned for this post
« Last Edit: August 26, 2012, 01:46:47 AM by Badspot »

This is drama.
Not beg and expect stuff.

Wrong section, And i doubt anyone will buy you this. Just start mowing lawns.

Ask a friend or something. No random person on here is going to spend their money for you.

All of the above
I should have added in my post "Get a job"

Did he legit just make a thread asking someone to buy him a 30Dollar Game. Oh god. MY sides.

JC2 is 4 dollars right now
my parents would give me four dollars if i asked for it

JC2 is 4 dollars right now
my parents would give me four dollars if i asked for it
Derp. THen the PSN(PlayStation Network)Store riped me off Lols.

Derp. THen the PSN(PlayStation Network)Store riped me off Lols.

yes because you also bought it for a stuffty, old console.

okay, if i see jc2, i'll ban him

yes because you also bought it for a stuffty, old console.
You are loving idiot. First you hate on Macs, People, Then the loving Ps3. Seriously. Get a life other than Insulting people over a internet forum. Do it to someone in real life. You will get punched in the face.

You are loving idiot. First you hate on Macs, People, Then the loving Ps3. Seriously. Get a life other than Insulting people over a internet forum. Do it to someone in real life. You will get punched in the face.

again with the flaming.

i hate on macs because they suck and are overpriced, i hate on PS3 because they suck. i don't have a life and you shouldn't insult me for not having one when you are insulting me on your fifth forum account. i think you need to address your apparent learning disorder before insulting me for not having a life.

You are loving idiot. First you hate on Macs, People, Then the loving Ps3. Seriously. Get a life other than Insulting people over a internet forum. Do it to someone in real life. You will get punched in the face.
See you on your next acc i guess, mister douchebag.