Author Topic: Banned from forums for asking for help.  (Read 11765 times)

I got banned for 2 weeks for asking for help.What a shame wow.

Badspot/Ephialtes have their reasons for banning, it probably was your fault.

Cool :P plus first of all im a fan of teir tactical for 2 years basicly and 3 years on my brothers account and second of all i was asking about 2 add-ons that did'nt show up.Aleast there are some good people out there.Plus redgaijin can we be friends and also I was banned from RTB for negitive talk.

User was banned for this post

I think it was this quote?

I think it was this quote?
Oh my god I want to strangle this guy. His grammar is stuff.

Why does the world hate me even armyunit banned me I got banned from blocklands greatest people Hydralisk,Bushido,ArmyUnit. I asked to be friend with hydraliskin 2011
he said yes later on in 2012 he never even spoke to me in months,
Plus ArmyUnit probaly asked skyra to ban me :'c I hated by these Great people.

Why does the world hate me even armyunit banned me I got banned from blocklands greatest people Hydralisk,Bushido,ArmyUnit. I asked to be friend with hydraliskin 2011
he said yes later on in 2012 he never even spoke to me in months,
Plus ArmyUnit probaly asked skyra to ban me :'c I hated by these Great people.

Did you just refer to Hydralisk as one of blockland's greatest members?

Type like you have some loving sense.


Oh my god I want to strangle this guy. His grammar is stuff.
I know I have bad grammar. now cause of you ima spend 2 hours cring.

I know I have bad grammar. now cause of you ima spend 2 hours cring.
Can't tell if serious or trying to rustle my jimmies.

Did you just refer to Hydralisk as one of blockland's greatest members?
Yes I did,Also I said Bushido and ArmyUnit along with the 3 great members.

I know I have bad grammar. now cause of you ima spend 2 hours cring.
Cries from Internet insults. Wowe.

Why am I always hated by ever person I darn talk to I can't talk to one darn person because I get insulted about something simple.

Yes I did,Also I said Bushido and ArmyUnit along with the 3 great members.
IIRC armyunit made the MAS addons, so I can see why there, and Bushido, dunno much about. But hydralisk is quite possibly one of the biggest friends here, if you disregard Lord Tony and his posse