Author Topic: My life...  (Read 7377 times)

I don't lick my own nuts... Real foxes do.
And if you know everything whats my name inrl? Hmm HMM



Alyx Vance

anyone that thinks they are funny for making fun of a suicidal person is a no-life loser who has no friends so they get their kicks off of making fun of weaker people. Self Delete is a serious thing and i can't even begin to imagine why someone would goad someone trying to kill themselves. maybe YOU have never had any thoughts of being suicidal, or known anyone who has, but that doesn't make it some unreal thing that is just fueled by lack of attention. if you think like that you should really forget off, go look in the mirror, and think about what you are doing.




Alyx Vance
No Wynd said it first.
I know it. It's "Hahahaha nope."
Peaking at my steam account

anyone that thinks they are funny for making fun of a suicidal person is a no-life loser who has no friends so they get their kicks off of making fun of weaker people. Self Delete is a serious thing and i can't even begin to imagine why someone would goad someone trying to kill themselves. maybe YOU have never had any thoughts of being suicidal, or known anyone who has, but that doesn't make it some unreal thing that is just fueled by lack of attention. if you think like that you should really forget off, go look in the mirror, and think about what you are doing.

No one here made fun of anyone. You are so late. He already updated us he isn't suiciding.

No one here made fun of anyone. You are so late. He already updated us he isn't suiciding.
first page proves you wrong bub. and i was just stating my opinions on the matter, since thats what it looked like people were discussing.

leave him alone he's like 7
He can atleast try to spell right he, he has did it before and I personally don't find it funny like most people do for some odd reason

He can atleast try to spell right he, he has did it before and I personally don't find it funny like most people do for some odd reason
stuff now im a hypocrite

OP has attentionwhored himself 8 pages of troll detection vise pathetic morons trying to calm him down. Hes a troll ffs. Hey Wolfarts, good luck with expressing your feelings about Self Delete to an internet lego building game forum. Why don't you talk to your someone else first before you go all "boohoo, my life is stuff" at some kids who just like to play stack the blocks? Infact, just kill yourself.

Here, now read the rules before you post more to this section of the forums. Op is an obvious troll. if he names his thread "Ma laif dot dot dot" its obviously some sympathy pleading idiot who wants to get famous in our community.

I also reported a while ago. Just go do it.

Go to the ghetto and live there for a month. Your life will change.

You cant just go crazy and do all the dirty wicked things you want in life and use the excuse "God is good so he is obligated to forgive me" as a get-out-of-hell-free card.