Author Topic: How did you last kill someone?  (Read 4598 times)

Killed a guy with AS50 TWS with a hatchet, 5 AS50 mags, gg.

Threw an egg at them.

Threw an egg at them.
Christ, how hard did you throw?

OT: Shot with a hunting bow. loving Skeevers.

Threw a dead Skeever that I found at some dude, I've been follow this guy through dungeons and he doesn't even notice lol.

Big bump. I'm just so proud of myself.
in Mutilate-A-Doll, I spawned an alt ragdoll (Shift-Space) I then made a battleaxe (Shift-J), swung it, and sliced the ragdoll's head clean in half. The ragdoll slumped obviously dead to the floor and I felt so badass.

Burned a crew of Mantis.
Fire bombs are OP as forget.

Christ, how hard did you throw?

OT: Shot with a hunting bow. loving Skeevers.

I find that triple-hard boiled eggs are like rocks.

Kicked one of my working Fluros in the face. :C

He was so young.

killed a spawn camper in achievement idle

rip? no.

Apparently Blockland Medics are great substitutes for people who can't run TF2.

Begone. (Free game in the internet,in nplay)

Shot somebody with a M1014

I suspended them in a sort of singularity-type thing, and then shot incendiary bullets at them until they BURNED TO A CRISP

i slammed a 357 into a houndeyes ugly loving face and then it's friend put off a sonic blast and blew him to loving pieces and i bathed in his blood and ate his eyes

god i loving hate those things
« Last Edit: September 21, 2012, 06:13:36 PM by Dezcaban »