Author Topic: How did you last kill someone?  (Read 4516 times)

sticky grenade from tribes: ascend. he ran into at least 3 teammates with two of them on him and i got a triple

Team was failing so I hero-mode Xin into a 1v4 and take down Ashe and Diana with my spear.

Headshot with the Scar rifle from BF3, it was really lucky since it was supposed to be cover fire against the enemy engineers that were trying to take down our team's tank.

I refused to pick my friend up in borderlands 2, bitch stole my shotgun

I refused to pick my friend up in borderlands 2, bitch stole my shotgun
If I didn't play LoL today, my last kill would be driving my brother off a cliff in Borderlands 2 because I was really really tired last night and he let me drive for some reason. I went to bed after that.

Grabbing them and pulling them into lava. -LBP Vita

this time it was when i tried to kill my friend and killed both him and another one of my friends.

isn't that right cargon?

Get a backflip kill with a VSS in BF2

Kill an army of military in Stalker SoC with Oblivion Lost with a pistol.

Cthulu won't be joining us today, something about a couple hundred shurikens to the eye.

pokémon don't die
so the Borderlands posts don't count as kills either?

trying to get this friend medic to heal me, they get killed by a heavy, then i burn the heavy to death and stuff on the medic.

JNK loader

Mad Moxxi's Bad Touch