Author Topic: suggest me a weapon pack  (Read 2686 times)

i need a weapon pack, preferably with reloads, maybe with ammo + ammo events, hands are tolerable but not needed

Arena styled weapons, sorta like Quake, and hands are a no no.

cartoonish weapons like acme and stuff.
Guns with barrels flaring out 2 feet wide, etc.

Are you looking for a weapon pack, or taking suggestions to be made into a pack?

Tier + Tactical is by far the most used and best pack out there.

Am I the only one who thinks we have enough guns?

Am I the only one who thinks we have enough guns?

You obviously didn't read the OP.

a GOOD black ops weapon pack, the "modern weapons" pack on RTB sucked so much.

a GOOD black ops weapon pack, the "modern weapons" pack on RTB sucked so much.
No no no no no no no NO.

We've had almost 5 of these packs in the last 3 months and there's a lot more in development.
We have enough "Modern guns", we need ORIGINAL ideas

ok then...

.The haxx gun: when "shot" hand model points at target, blockhead screams HAXX! and computer model/ emitter is launched, kiling target in one hit.

.Lever action rifle WITHOUT ammo or reloads

.Cigarette/Joint: player pulls out joint/ Cigarette, takes a hit and exhales smoke, smoke blinds target within its short effective range.

.Pump shotgun with wood furniture and no ammo or reloads.

.Life Gun- gun that shoots a beam of energy that sucks the life out of target as long as beam is in direct contact.

.Alcohol- when player "shoots" the player is shown taking a sip, and then player belches green fog that damages whoever is in its effective range.

.Full-Size Uzi


We need more original weapons like these:

Tier + Tactical is by far the most used and best pack out there.

Most used, fine.
Best, no. It's glitchy, ammo is horribly buggy, so on and so forth.

Most used, fine.
Best, no. It's glitchy, ammo is horribly buggy, so on and so forth.
^So.. Much..Yes.. i really don't like T+T