Author Topic: Kalar/Clinr121 - Manipulation, coverups, and DoS attacks  (Read 2835 times)

Kalar, also known as Clinr121 - Threatening to attack my service out of the blue
Pacnet2012 and Clinr121 -- failed competition and failed revenge
Kalar / Clinr121 is back at DDoSing.
Hello folks! Kalar is planning his 3rd major DDoS attempt!

NOTE: Some of these dramas are featured here.

Hello folks! Welcome to Kalar's 5th drama!

Ok, so Clinr121 got his key deactivated because of DoS attacking Kalphiter's server.

He has returned as Kalar and has gone after 4 people: Contrabass Drio, Pacnet2012, Lugnut and especially ME. I hope his second key is revoked. This drama and the evidence complied in it will show you why Kalar / Clinr121 doesn't belong on Blockland.


Saxophone's Dedicated Hosting Service! [SHUT DOWN]
Please do NOT bump this, I only posted this for you guys to read this, but in case of tl;dr's or people who want more detail...

This all started when I was with Pacnet and hammereditor. I followed hammereditor to Kalar's server and that's where I met him. After a couple of chat messages I sent, Kalar randomly gave me admin. I was confused but went on with it. 10 minutes later, Kalar gave me Super Admin, I of course was shocked. I questioned Kalar why, he said I seemed nice. >.> Kalar then sent me a RTB friend request, which I accepted. I then improved his Grapple Knife TDM map, which was terrible. Then, we left and I showed him my server. There, the hosting service idea was born. Kalar told me the basics of setting up a client, and I then posted it on the forums. We got bad reception at first but it started to get popular in the next 15 minutes. Later, while we were helping Mango with his server, RTB and EVAL were broken. Kalphiter came on the server. He convined Kalar his server wasn't the best, but Kalar took it way too far. He started to rage, he shut down the server and ended the service. I then posted the information on the forums. That's when problems arised. I logged on the server with VNC for what I thought was the last time, but when the server screen rendered, a program called UDP Unicorn was opened. I soon discovered it was a program that can be used to DoS.

I logged onto the server through VNC and found this.

What is this Kalar?
Upon posting this on the forums, Pacnet noticed and made a 3rd Kalar/Clinr drama found here. After that, Kalar "apologized" and Lugnut had a brillant idea: Let Saxophone run the service. Kalar was reluctant at first, but he eventually gave me the server ownership. I was really excited. The service was finally working and it was getting bigger. Lugnut, Fluffy and even Nullable decided to join, but we didn't want Kalar to be to come on because of what he did before. I sent him a friendly message, but once again Kalar's insanely short temper took over. He decided that we stole his server when he said I could own it. Without warning and permission, Kalar stole the server from us, ironically the exact same thing he thought we did to him. I was furious. Many people were siding with me, and Kalar's reputation was trashed. But once again, he apologized and he manipulated me. He then gave me back the server and Pacnet was furious. We had lost our friendship and Pacnet asked for the server. Kalar then manipulated him and left me in the dust. The topic was moved to Drama and the hosting service was finished. That was the end of me and Kalar, or so I thought.

Kalar started manipulating me again. He decided to give me a second server, so I gave him a second chance. I was thinking about starting another service, but I took everything into perspective. I decided to do a private hosting service since people knew about Kalar's actions. But, Kalar started to rage quite more often. Everything I did was wrong according to him. He wanted to revoke the same server because he didn't like my private hosting service, he even tried to revoke it becaude he hated my admins, who are actually very responsible. One day, he invited me to his server, where my admin was gone. It was a very tense and stressful situation, so I PM'd Lugnut for advice. He knocked some sense into me, but I was still scared to leave because I thought he might revoke the server for that. I left, and for some reason I don't remember, I logged onto VNC but thankfully I did. Guess what I found on his server even when he apologized? That's right, UDP UNICORN. Again, seriously Kalar? You said it yourself, DoSing is EVIL. You must be an evil person too. Of course, Kalar quickly noticed and immediately blocked my access from the server. Too late, you were busted. I remembered Pacnet was using his server, so I sent him a message telling about it. He thanked me and made Kalar's 4th drama. End of Kalar?  NOPE.

Yes, that's right. Once again, Kalar manipulated me into giving me another server like 5 days ago. But this time it was different. He gave me his desktop. It was alot better than the previous server we used and it was free. I thought about doing a service this time, but because of Kalar, no. I was thinking about doing it private however. During this problem however, he made an "accident". The file transfer he uses for some reason doesn't copy the files, it CUTS them. At around the end of the upload he "raged" and ended the upload. I was like can I have access again since I couldn't connect but I didn't know it removed the tranferred file on my end. I noticed and I asked if I can retrieve them. He wouldn't allow that. WHAT? He was completely rude about it and had deleted my files. I was astonished and I ripped him one. He was questioning why I needed it so much. Well, Kalar for your information in the Blockland folder contained a saves folder. And in that saves folder contained a save of a build for a server I've been working 6 months on. When I told him, he probably faked this, but he said kill me and I'm so sorry. Sorry? Sorry doesn't restore my server from a cleared Recycle Bin, Kalar. Fortunately, I found my Blockland folder in my Recycle Bin that WASN'T cleared without permission. I was again overly nice, and I accepted his apology. I couldn't do the hosting service, I decided to let him do it. He accepted, but that turned out to be a disaster. Now unfortunately Contrabass Drio is starting to get manipulated.

So, for 3 days it went smooth. Earlier today however, Contrabass Drio told me Kalar has been shutting down his server and he won't start it. Are you serious? Moving to a USA server, ha. Kalar you are an idiot. So now, enough is enough. I unfriended and blocked Kalar. Upon doing so,
Why disfriend me? And why i was?

Why? Are you kidding? You never wanted to be friends with me. You've used me to cover up your attacking.
All i didnt know from the before i wasn't know you were copying and pasting the files.

I was uploading files and you rage at me. What.
fine how about this

Dont drama me and ill leave blockland forever


Don't try and stop me.
Oh and also, I caught Kalar trying to manipulate Lugnut.
he's telling me via skype that he cleared the recycle bin without knowing that you were "copying the files with teamviewer"

the most interesting part is that he's messaging ME with this info. he's never done that before about anything.

either he has a guilty conscience or he wants me on his side. did you tell him you messaged me?
No offense but he's trying to manipulate you just like he did with me pacnet and contrabass drio.
And yes, I figured out he was manipulating me.

So, in conclusion, I've listened to Kalar on Mumble, and he sounds very strange. He's a physco manipulator and server attacker. I hope for dear life his key is revoked.

before i read this
did you look up the definition of the word manipulation or are you going to misuse it again

before i read this
did you look up the definition of the word manipulation or are you going to misuse it again
If you read it, you would not be asking this question.

before i read this
did you look up the definition of the word manipulation or are you going to misuse it again
yeah, sax overused it in this post, but it's right most of the times.


yeah, sax overused it in this post, but it's right most of the times.
oh, I did? Well still, he did manipulate me.

yeah, sax overused it in this post, but it's right most of the times.


oh, I did? Well still, he did manipulate me.
you used it 6 times in one post lol

Never liked him personally either

Never liked him personally either
I know, he even faked his kindness over Mumble just to keep me from getting suspicious.

BTW, that Hosting service topic is 45 pages, have fun reading it.

Total support. Kalar is an idiot. (On my phone auto correct it changed to Malaria. Lol)

Total support. Kalar is an idiot. (On my phone auto correct it changed to Malaria. Lol)
lol. He is malaria, he is like a disease that never goes away. :cookieMonster:

lol. He is malaria, he is like a disease that never goes away. :cookieMonster:
sounds like some-one here

sounds like some-one here
Ironic when I have only one account.

How many do you have again?