Author Topic: 2012/09/12 - Steam Greenlight  (Read 356991 times)

Even on a free weekend of L4D2 the most amount of players on servers at one time were 30.5K
seriously guys

Legend of Hobo is gone

Bashur probably won't do stuff because he's lazy.

You know how hard it is to create a video like that, right? You need stufftons of mods, editing skills, and time to build all those loving huge builds.

"No anti-aliasing settings?  No FoV settings?  forget you console ports!"
I hope this is the worst joke I've ever seen

We just need someone who's good at doing lets plays on the forum and make him do a famous game  blockland.
Cr1t1c4l is the best LPer.
True story.
He's actually funny. Can you belive that?
« Last Edit: November 03, 2012, 06:13:58 AM by Crystalwarrior »

we don't need any let's plays if we get totalbiscuit to do a single video of the game.
tb has twice the subscribers of cr1t1c4l and more than three times the views! he's also made of connections!

I hope this is the worst joke I've ever seen
He is making reference to TB's usual deconstruction of options menus in games.

He is making reference to TB's usual deconstruction of options menus in games.
and I hope it was the worst joke I've ever seen

somehow get someone famous to tweet it

notch would be perfect, instant stuffton of votes and it'd stop his stuffcunt fans taking dumps all over our greenlight page
Didn't someone (I think it was Truce) arrange this or something but we all forgot about it completely?

I really want to see Robbaz or someone do a Let's Play.  Tobuscus and PewDiePie or any other largely-known commentators would bring a lot of publicity, but not the kind we need.  Robbaz's community is quite loyal and not exactly the disputing type.

We really need NerdCubed to do one.
Let's all tweet him or something

What we need is an in-depth WTF is by TotalBiscuit.
What we don't need is some comedian who'll do stupid stuff with it. not to mention their stuffty subscriber base.

Do you want more minecraftian 12 year olds or do you want interested gamers?

NerdCubed is actually a pretty good LPer.

What we need is for people to make more quality blockland video's, like machinima's, funny LP's, timelapse, and so on.

NerdCubed is actually a pretty good LPer.
Again, do you want people who only watch let's plays or do you want people who are interested in gaming and quality content?

Again, do you want people who only watch let's plays or do you want people who are interested in gaming and quality content?
I agree we do need NerdCubed.He makes quality LP videos.Also I never even heard of TotalBiscuit if we was good I would of been subbed to him, this is the first time I ever hear about him.
« Last Edit: November 03, 2012, 02:37:12 PM by ShadowZero »