Author Topic: Request: Minimap/radar, which only shows players  (Read 2014 times)

So, i've had an awesome idea, and I don't think there's any thread for this, because i've searched for any similary thread that isn't dead.

So, my idea is basically a big circle, in the bottom left/right corner, which shows the locations of the players around you by a red dot, and also your own location with a blue dot, which could be enabled or disabled by selecting a key on your keyboard, which could be chosen in the Controls section of the Options. By the way, i'd like this to be Client-sided, if possible.
To give you a visual idea, just look at the top-left corner of this image (copy the link):,r:12,s:0,i:161&biw=1680&bih=933

This is it.
« Last Edit: September 27, 2012, 07:26:03 PM by Golden Hawk² »

Nexus was making something like this however if im correct the function was removed.
In this thread:

yeah I'm not giving it out for fairly obvious reasons

Oh well, can somebody else make this than?

Nexus was making something like this however if im correct the function was removed.
In this thread:

As far as I know it is not possible anymore, so aren't Aimbots.

And even if it was made, noone will gave it to you.

As far as I know it is not possible anymore, so aren't Aimbots.

And even if it was made, noone will gave it to you.

First of all, do you think they will give it to you instead?
Second, aimbots are possible, I found a few links, but I didn't downloaded them.
Third, beginning a sentence with the word and is a grammar mistake.
Fourth, none* + give*
Fifth and final point, learn not to look too much rude, and respect people who are smarter than you.

Please no. Please, no. Aimbots are better than this.

Please no. Please, no. Aimbots are better than this.

Hmmmm, yes?

But why are you saying «please no, please no»?

It's not like I would publish them.

I have a good judgement.

Hmmmm, yes?

But why are you saying «please no, please no»?

It's not like I would publish them.

I have a good judgement.
nice eurpoe quotes bro
>It's not like I would publish them.
Yeah, I'd avoid asking here for someone to personally make you a private mod.

Please no. Please, no. Aimbots are better than this.
How is radar and aimbot compairable?

The radar that was be
nice eurpoe quotes bro
>It's not like I would publish them.
Yeah, I'd avoid asking here for someone to personally make you a private mod.
How is radar and aimbot compairable?

The radar that was being made contained the same function.

You're not gonna get one. Nobody wants cheaters. Also, Ephialtes doesn't like them.

If you could make this server sided it would be better

nice eurpoe quotes bro
>It's not like I would publish them.
Yeah, I'd avoid asking here for someone to personally make you a private mod.
How is radar and aimbot compairable?

aimbots are possible, I found a few links, but I didn't downloaded them.

If you didn't understood what does this means, well i'll explain it in simple words so that your simple-minded personality can understand it.

I was looking if aimbots really existed for Blockland. Than, i've found a few of those. I decided not to download them because they probably wouldn't work, or would imply cheating on Blockland, and cheating is not in my nature, I play legimatelly on any game. Can you understand now?

If you didn't understood what does this means, well i'll explain it in simple words so that your simple-minded personality can understand it.

I was looking if aimbots really existed for Blockland. Than, i've found a few of those. I decided not to download them because they probably wouldn't work, or would imply cheating on Blockland, and cheating is not in my nature, I play legimatelly on any game. Can you understand now?
Zealot used to have a aimbot on some website.

Zealot used to have a aimbot on some website.

Yep, that's one of them. There are a few others, like 4 or 5.