Author Topic: PAPER (PSST ITS AN ADVENTURE)  (Read 4525 times)

That side adventure made with less effort than EA with FIFA2013

« Last Edit: December 03, 2012, 07:59:37 PM by Flamecannon »

a richard
a spike pit
a vat of acid
a vat of lava
pit of snakes
pool of water with sharks
leave him to die

In all seriousness dump him in the middle of the ocean on a boat

An empty pit with nothing but a tree branch to get out.

In all seriousness dump him in the middle of the ocean on a boat
An empty pit with nothing but a tree branch to get out.

That works...

I guess...

View hero from inside pit in the middle of the ocean.

Wonder why you are drawing on Crumpled paper.

Wonder why you are drawing on Crumpled paper.

Wonder why you are drawing on Crumpled paper.
it looks like its the same paper

looks like i gotta change the ending now
the guy drawing everything was going to be a poor artist who works for a corrupt company. he can't even afford paper so he goes into dumpsters and uncrumples paper. he then dies a lonely death in the middle of an alleyway and no one ever looks at his work again.

but that's dark which was kinda the point...

looks like i gotta change the ending now
the guy drawing everything was going to be a poor artist who works for a corrupt company. he can't even afford paper so he goes into dumpsters and uncrumples paper. he then dies a lonely death in the middle of an alleyway and no one ever looks at his work again.

but that's dark which was kinda the point...

make boat bigger

then it will be too big to fit