Author Topic: Games you regret buying/don't play anymore.  (Read 4896 times)

CitiesXL 2011: (compared to SC4) Boring and generic music, slow and annoying economy, gay-ass looking citizens, over complicated GUI, building is so inconvinent that it isn't even worth it...

sonic generations  <- only the modern sonic levels are fun

victoria 2 <- too much micromanagment

civ 4 <- games are meant to be played over the course of a week

from dust <- badly optimized and unfun

Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising - It has no community, the game is worth it only for the singleplayer where you walk 100 kilometers, though.
That's pretty much the only game I regret buying directly, there are some games I completely dislike from Humble Bundles but I didn't buy the bundles for them after all.

All of the crazy machines games - TOTALLY GAY

some civil war game for the xbox
edf 2023 or w/e
team fortress 2

When my brother moved out, he left us all these Xbox games that we haven't touched since then. Includes:

Grand Theft Auto Double Pack (contains GTA III and VC)

Halo: CE

Halo II

Men of Valor


Commandos II: Men of Courage

Turok: Evolution

Outlaw Golf: 18 Holes of X-Mas

some civil war game for the xbox
stuff that sounds fun. What's it called?

i regret buying all CoD games.
CoD games are loving horrible and is boring as stuff
i mean killing people? not fun.

RAGE: loving sucks.

There's a bunch of games that I bought that I don't play, that I guess I would like to play again, but RAGE is just so loving terrible.

Any call of duty games other than original Modern Warfare and Black Ops.

Turok: Stupid story, weak action, no variety of weapons.

BRINK- Graphics Card doesn't support it.
MW2- Never play it (I also bought all the DLC packs too)
Deus Ex Human Revolution- I played it for like 2 hours and stopped.
Portal & Portal 2- Meh, never play.
Terraria- Boring as forget.
Modern Warfare 3- loving terrible, Slacky weapons, Same gamestyle as MW2 and loving horrible maps.
« Last Edit: October 07, 2012, 11:11:05 AM by Lamebro1 »