Author Topic: Everyone joins my server from my IP.  (Read 1686 times)

Everyone joins my server from my IP.

I've been here before, asking for help on my old thread:

The situation is this as so:
Last night I once again tried to host a Blockland server. A number of people joined, and we had a good time.
Today I tried to do the same, and once again I m running into this old error: people joining my server are told that the game cannot verify their Blockland IDs.

I've played with my host files, set up a static IP, portforwarded, ect. If you have ANY idea how this is happening, please help.

Everyone who is connecting to you is using your IP address.  I don't see how this is possible without external interference.  You must have some router or firewall stuff that is disguising the origin IP of incoming connections.

What type of virus protection do you have?

Do you have any active firewalls or security settings that may prevent connections?

I have Macafee.

I've turned off its firewalls and it doesn't seem to help.

I can host Terraria, Minecraft, and Garrysmod servers fine though.

Name everything that may be changed or different from "last night"

Is windows firewall off too?

What port are you running blockland on?

Absolutely nothing different.

I've tryed disabling windows firewall to no avail.

Port 28000, the standard one.

did you turn your computer off then back on overnight?

did you turn your computer off then back on overnight?


You probably got a new IP if you didn't set a Static IP to your computer that you host on.

how is this even possible?

how is this even possible?
You idiot starfish you ruined 13337

You probably got a new IP if you didn't set a Static IP to your computer that you host on.

Nope, I have a static, I can run Garrysmod servers fine.

Badspot himself confirmed that people were joining from my IP in the old thread.

So go figure.

I have Macafee.

I've turned off its firewalls and it doesn't seem to help.

I can host Terraria, Minecraft, and Garrysmod servers fine though.

Uninstall McAffe's. It offers mediocre protection and it will be quite a hassle hosting behind it. I suggest installing Microsoft Security Essential and the free version of Avast if you really want to have an antivirus program.

Also, what ISP and router do you have? If you can, post a console.log, that'll help a bit.

Uninstall McAffe's. It offers mediocre protection and it will be quite a hassle hosting behind it. I suggest installing Microsoft Security Essential and the free version of Avast if you really want to have an antivirus program.

Also, what ISP and router do you have? If you can, post a console.log, that'll help a bit.

It's a D-Link DIR 655, I berlieve Optimum is our ISP. I'll get on the log, but check out the old thread I linked to above to get an idea of my basic situation.

Here is the console log from my last session. Note that I was in a server before I decided to try again, and interceptor was the guy trying to join.

Got connect request from IP:
  net name = intercepter66
AUTHCHECK: intercepter66 = internet client -> internet server, regular auth
 Authentication Failed for intercepter66 (
Issuing Disconnect packet.
CDROP: 258884 IP:
Posting to master server
Posting to rtb server
Got connect request from IP:
  net name = intercepter66
AUTHCHECK: intercepter66 = internet client -> internet server, regular auth
 Authentication Failed for intercepter66 (
Issuing Disconnect packet.
CDROP: 258888 IP:
Got connect request from IP:
  net name = intercepter66
AUTHCHECK: intercepter66 = internet client -> internet server, regular auth
 Authentication Failed for intercepter66 (
Issuing Disconnect packet.
CDROP: 258890 IP:
Got connect request from IP:
  net name = intercepter66
AUTHCHECK: intercepter66 = internet client -> internet server, regular auth
 Authentication Failed for intercepter66 (
Issuing Disconnect packet.
CDROP: 258905 IP:
Slayer (Server): Deactivating Slayer
Issuing Disconnect packet.
Exporting server prefs
Exporting client prefs
Exporting client config
Exporting rtb prefs
Slayer (Client): Deactivating Slayer

That is my external IP.

Whoops, forgot to attach the full log.