Author Topic: Hey 21+ Blocklanders in the Minneaplis/St Paul area.  (Read 1773 times)

right now they are having their grand opening, but saturday (27th) night its anime/video game costume night.
7 of us (at least 3 blocklanders so far) are going to be there

so all 3 21+ blocklanders?

Brb getting a time machine and a teleporter
wait there for about 10 years,

videogame nightclub? wtf lol

my sister's going to that i think
man stop doing old people things i wana come

my sister's going to that i think
man stop doing old people things i wana come

holy stuff bisjac you have to find and forget jetlok's sis.

It'll go down in forum history

I'm only 20 :panda:
Plus I'm working that night anyways

holy stuff bisjac you have to find and forget jetlok's sis.

It'll go down in forum history
it would be an honor

Hot waitress chick!

Tron theme

Me and a long time friend.

Tron dude. Blurry but his costume was awesome.

Mega man raping Alice.

Dance floor

Some pics from tonight at insert coins! :D

and bisjac holds the tetris highscore

Wow you're such a creeper