Author Topic: IcyGamma Spammed My RTB Chat  (Read 17074 times)

lol can we get back to discussing him spamming and being an idiot and stuff
not much else to discuss until he comes in here and tries to feed us some bullstuff reason for it

not much else to discuss until he comes in here and tries to feed us some bullstuff reason for it
point validated, until then.....

This was very dumb of IcyGamma to do.

Now I bet he will look at all the negative posters in here and look at their profile and ban the ID. :cookieMonster:

Crepe has completely sensationalized and taken this out of content. Let me explain:

As you know IcyGamma banned Lub (Rub in forums) and Ephialtes (creator and manager of RTB) in his ban spree and for some reason banned me as well.

Ephialtes spammed the server multiple times.

Lub was a part of this.

Neither of them were there for good reasons.

I asked why he banned me and replied with lovely insults about The Block and then spammed my chat box with spam (see below picture)

I gave you a long list of why I didn't like you. Only one of those points was about The Block. Then you went and posted a really dumb, irritating, typically Crepe-like response so I typed "aaaaaa" over and over.

You are making it look like I randomly spammed you. No-- you actually kept sending me stupid messages crying about your ban.

just shows how protective and self obsessed he can get when I decided to agree with one of Boltsters points

You agreed with Boltster long after the ban and the chat. It had nothing to do with the sequence of events.

You were banned because you have a long history of harassing me, spamming my inbox, stalking what I do and where I go online and in Blockland, among other problems. The whole IRC in question was about this.

Boltster once called you Icy Jr. because of the way you've even started to emulate some of the things I've done.

You're loving insane you weirdo. If this was happening in real life I'd have a restraining order on you so fast.

The only reason for this drama is because I've come down on you and upset you. It was a long time coming. Now you are posting a made up situation by clipping out bits of IRC because you are raging mad.

Still, better this then idolizing me-- goodness knows why you'd want to. I'm just another player. This is good for you.

This was very dumb of IcyGamma to do.

Now I bet he will look at all the negative posters in here and look at their profile and ban the ID. :cookieMonster:
he probably will knowing him


he probably will knowing him

I am an extemely fair admin.

Banning a stalker and two spammers is nothing "stupid".

Be a brat all you want. It vindicates my decision to ban you.

Since in the past you also tried to frame players at Blockworld by destroying peoples builds then blaming those that had nothing to do with it, its not surprise you are now making up another bullstuff piece of drama.


I gave you a long list of why I didn't like you. Only one of those points was about The Block. Then you went and posted a really dumb, irritating, typically Crepe-like response so I typed "aaaaaa" over and over.
i said i'll make the article now for a joke, its no reason to spam me
ok. lets look at the above image
Since in the past you also tried to frame players at Blockworld by destroying peoples builds then blaming those that had nothing to do with it, its not surprise you are now making up another bullstuff piece of drama.
i'm not framing you, lol
please stop playng the "Throw As Many Insults and Ancient Memories As You Can At Crepe Game
You're loving insane you weirdo. If this was happening in real life I'd have a restraining order on you so fast.
is it deemed bullstuff if you post a topic about veterans spamming?
You were banned because you have a long history of harassing me, spamming my inbox, stalking what I do and where I go online and in Blockland, among other problems. The whole IRC in question was about this.
you said "I'm looking for love Crepe"
i go on the same server as you because aludane is there and bam! i'm stalking you because aludane is my friend
You are making it look like I randomly spammed you. No-- you actually kept sending me stupid messages crying about your ban.
look at the picture, I only compained once
I gave you a long list of why I didn't like you. Only one of those points was about The Block. Then you went and posted a really dumb, irritating, typically Crepe-like response so I typed "aaaaaa"
ok fine actually there was a bit at the start as well about The Block

I make drama and icy fires insults that happened months ago

This is one IRC window of several, I closed at least two messages from you before I decided to respond.

Thank you for having the respect to post the whole message.

Clearly it shows I raged at you. Not denying that.

Spamming you because of Boltster? No. You keep pushing Crepe, so I gave you a piece of my mind.

Case closed. Go suckup to Boltser now-- I'd rather you were the bane of his existence than mine.

I make drama and icy fires insults that happened months ago

Thats not an insult. Its a fact-- you are a compulsive liar and a obsessive nutcase.

Nobody should trust you.

Boltster once called you Icy Jr. because of the way you've even started to emulate some of the things I've done.

You're loving insane you weirdo.
so are you, that's why i called him icy jr lol

so are you, that's why i called him icy jr lol

He is definitely more of an anti-Boltser. Still following me about and trying to get my attention, except unlike you he is (or was) pro-Icy.

Now the Boltser and the anti-Boltster collide. End of the worldd 201222?!?!?

didn't icy write a biography about himself to make him look "inspiring and creative" ?

He is definitely more of an anti-Boltser. Still following me about and trying to get my attention, except unlike you he is (or was) pro-Icy.

Now the Boltser and the anti-Boltster collide. End of the worldd 201222?!?!?
you're still a loving weirdo lol

home schooled kids, i'm telling you

didn't icy write a biography about himself to make him look "inspiring and creative" ?

he still claims it was a person who "wanted to remain anonymous" lmfao

Nobody should trust you.
are you trying to get me banned from every server just because I tried to defy you.
You= "the god of the forums, above all others".

Because thats what you think of yourself, lol. I've grown to hate you icy.

It's true! When to oppisites collide.
oh god
didn't icy write a biography about himself to make him look "inspiring and creative" ?
yes he did

how egotistical looking of him