Author Topic: starforge full version?  (Read 1670 times)

How do I unlock the full version of Starforge?

Buy it.

I did, I payed the 15 dollars on Indiegogo, but it doesnt unlock it.

wtf the game is barely functional. overambitious brats already trying to trying make money.

wtf the game is barely functional. overambitious brats already trying to trying make money.

I have the canyon demo and it works just fine.

check faq
ask support
FAQ being where? Aside form the forum FAQ, which has nothing to do with the game.

you are so unbelievably stupid it amuses me

How so?

you're asking for help on the BLOCKLAND forums, the forum that doesn't even have an active thread for the game. why not try the STARFORGE forums, better yet even have a look at their website?

hell, last time i checked the game wasn't even ready for an alpha testing.

and if that's not funny yet, you probably paid 15$ for a scam.

but hey, as socky said you're stupid. so i guess thats a good excuse to fall for a scam

you're asking for help on the BLOCKLAND forums, the forum that doesn't even have an active thread for the game. why not try the STARFORGE forums, better yet even have a look at their website?

hell, last time i checked the game wasn't even ready for an alpha testing.

and if that's not funny yet, you probably paid 15$ for a scam.

but hey, as socky said you're stupid. so i guess thats a good excuse to fall for a scam

It wasnt a scam as it was the official website, even then, I found that access is granted about 1-2 days after purchase, due to not having an automated accept system.
You contribute nothing by arguing, just because I made a mistake doesnt mean im stupid.
And I posted here because I dont have a Starforge forum account, not because the magical mod fairies didnt poof one up.

Solution: make a starforge forum account

Solution: make a starforge forum account

Gee, you dont think I tried?
I already have an account, you need it to get the game in the first place.

you could have googled this