Author Topic: Better Hug - because they think your a zombie  (Read 464 times)

A better hug. Walk up to a player and type /hug (better version only works when in front of a player), You will equip a item with two hands for the animation and freeze until done hugging. The hands will match your real player's hands, which will disappear until done hugging.. A hug animation will play and you will hug the player, then the player will hug you back. The item is removed from the players, their hands uncloak and they both unfreeze.

I like cute add-ons.

And when you both hug, EVERYONE AROUND YOU EXPLODES!
This suggestion needs more action filled explosives!
Or explosive filled action, but the first sounded way better.

No seriously, i like to give zombie hugs. :C

And when you both hug, EVERYONE AROUND YOU EXPLODES!
This suggestion needs more action filled explosives!
Or explosive filled action, but the first sounded way better.

No seriously, i like to give zombie hugs. :C
I like cuter

/hug - /zombie
/zombie - /hug


they had better think you're a zombie