Author Topic: Cyclone's Shootout Arena  (Read 2335 times)

Recently I've been interested in making a TDM that was cover-based(ish). This is the arena I made for it. The pictures that follow is my progress as of right now. Also, this is not an official server topic, this is purely for show.

This is a view of the Red spawn, all of the spawns are symmetrical, so I'm only showing this one.
Also, while this spawnroom does lead to the battle area there is a teledoor to teleport you to the other spawnroom. This helps confuse spawnkiller/campers.

This is a view of the Red Spawn area. This is actually an outdated picture, there was more cover on the Blue side than the Red side when this photo was taken. The only thing that is missing is that the sandbags to the left and right were replaced with walls.

Here you can see the Capture Point, and some of the surrounding cover.

If you want, rate x/10.

I just made it so the this TDM uses Slayer, so everything actually works now. Server is up anyway, if you want to try it out.

Looks simple and neat. Would be great if you added stuff to the side walls so those areas have cover too.

i really like the simple look

also looks fun

You should probably just let players spawn with the guns, though. Walls could be improved a bit, too.
Overall it looks nice.

The players do spawn with guns. I was, however, planning to eventually put in a class system, but you would have to enter another room.

So no need to add anything here .. Well ... Is that any obstacles, for which it can be safely hidden during the shooting, I like to hide, it gives :D

Been to there, it is epic, trust me

And cyclone again kills me with a better forums avatar....