Author Topic: Uganda Passes ‘Kill the Gays’ Bill  (Read 6780 times)

By the end of 2012, Uganda’s internationally contentious “Kill the Gays” bill will become law.

The highly religious, highly Christian country has been trying to get this bill passed since 2009, and it faced a great deal of criticism on an international level along the way: several European countries threatened to reduce aid to the country if the bill was passed.

Speaker Rebecca Kadaga described the bill’s passing as a “Christmas gift” for the Ugandan people.

The law will broaden the criminalization of same-love relationships by dividing homoloveuality into two categories; aggravated homoloveuality and the offense of homoloveuality.

"Aggravated homoloveuality" is defined as gay acts committed by parents or authority figures, HIV-positive people, child enthusiasts and repeat offenders. If convicted, they will face the death penalty.

The "offense of homoloveuality" includes same-love loveual acts or being in a gay relationship, and will be prosecuted by life imprisonment.

Discuss how forgeted this world is.

I don't even know how to reply to this stupidity.


...Hand me the knife. I feel like having sharp meals now.

maybe they thought that if they did this theyd be more like the us and we would accept them
we should just be down with all those poo countries ok its dum

Ahh. The continent of slightly intelligent apes never ceases to entertain me.

Meh. You'd be killed by general violence / corruption / lack of society while walking on the streets of Uganda long before any of their laws would affect you.


It's Uganda. What did you people expect to happen?
America better not start stuff over this.

Lifetime imprisonment would be a more appropriate sentence.

Lifetime imprisonment would be a more appropriate sentence.
Nothing about this is appropriate.

Lifetime imprisonment would be a more appropriate sentence.

Can forget each other in bliss.

Texas is super jealous and decided to secede from the union after they heard about it.

Lifetime imprisonment would be a more appropriate sentence.

If the gays would just go away, none of this would happen.
Good job, gays. You've managed to mess everything up again.