Author Topic: Alyx Vance and his alcoholism.  (Read 17365 times)

Lately our friendly forum furry redneck has discovered alcohol and has taken it upon himself to incessantly talk about how much he loves it and how drunk he is and is getting. Sometimes, it's completely un-related to the discussion at hand and it has become stressfully annoying.

im trying to forget my cousin in the ass bu t im drin,k
forget im drunk guys. Frntrox i <3 u
My sister knows I'm a furry now. I had a few shots and let her know.
What makes you say I was faking it?
Did someone say alcohol
I'm to not sober to post picture maybe later
My sister already said that furries are the worst thing ever.
And I'm on the line of drunk
Found my bottle.

I'm trying to type but i have to go slow.
I'm tired guys.. whatshould i do
Hey guys, guess what.
I got a half pint of Kentucky Gentleman.
I also have a picture:
how cum woman ar not makni me sandwhic

A few great hits here too:

Notice how #573 is a properly constructed sentence in-between his supposed irresponsible drunk posting. A damn good exemplification on how he's actually not even loving drunk and is just putting on a show for either respect or for attention.

Whether or not he's running some inside joke with his friends is irrelevant as it's become rather annoying anyway. I don't doubt that you drink (the fact that you're proud says a lot about your character however), but please, if you feel the urge to drink or you feel tipsy, do yourself a favor and log out.

Anyone want his personal info?

You'd think he would stop long enough to realize just how forgeted up he is drinking and then posting on it in an online forum for attention.

Psst. My listed website might have some fun facts.

Psst. My listed website might have some fun facts.
how does he do it holy stuff

Psst. My listed website might have some fun facts.

Lmao, you're awesome.

alyx is beyond help

your father is an alcoholic and your family is piss poor

how is it possibly a good idea to get yourself into this sort of habit now lol

Gotta have fun somehow lol.

forget I'm going to wake up terrible tomorrow, I can't even walk right but I can type since I know what I'm doing.

it's exactly that sort of self indulgent behavior that made your father such a loser and put you in the situation you're in

seriously you and your choices amaze me lol

Maybe so but atleast we know how to have fun

for once i actually have to agree with boltster. alyx you're 100% redneck scum.

forget it, if thats who I am so be it.

I agree comply, he lives in a stuffty mobile home, with a stuffty family, in a stuffty part of the country, and spends most of his time on a stuff computer. You'd think he'd WAKE THE forget UP.


I was just about to make this exact topic, good work though

Yeah I really think the big richard cousin stuff should be bannable... Sure it's on a research thread but nobody needed to or wanted to know that

Also, is he admitting to being a GAY furry?

He needs to stop attention whoring