Author Topic: Great servers hosted long ago...  (Read 934 times)

If you can remember, try to recall servers that stood out to you or were popular long ago but aren't up anymore or the host hasn't been seen in a long time.

For me:

Sly's Nightime Jail Escape
Custard's City RPG
Diggy's Metropolis

you missed general discussion by just a bit champ

pvt. simon's renderman hunt

:cookie: for anyone who gets the reference

Wizzard's Dogfight
gah beat me to it
Actually I think his dogfight was the first server my friend joined when he showed me blockland for the first time...

gamefandan's ultimate monster rpg.

i'm serious i loving loved that server

Wizzard's Dogfight for sure

Ive never been to Wizzard's dogfight server

I forget its name, but there was one server where there were two massive battleships in the ocean and one big island in between them. It was a dogfight.

you missed general discussion by just a bit champ
Yea, that was bothering me...wasn't quite sure which one it would go in.

Ive never been to Wizzard's dogfight server
It hasn't been hosted in at least a year.

I forget its name, but there was one server where there were two massive battleships in the ocean and one big island in between them. It was a dogfight.
That's Wizzards.