Author Topic: am I the only one noticing shyGriff went a bit cray?  (Read 9968 times)

It's also why I hate you so much, seeing as you're a depressed psycho-dramatic handicap that denies the attention that you obsess over having.
what lol

The only one in the history of the entire forum that isn't either; a) batstuff crazy b) loving handicapped c) a gigantic attention whore-- is Bubba.

What do you mean by "Whiteknighting"?

What do you mean by "Whiteknighting"?
it is when someone of the male gender doesn't hate someone of the female gender on the internet

do you say this every time girls on the internet are mentioned?

Absolutely. Respectable, productive community member.

i can remember like one topic i've posted love-related, and that was just a joke thread(the one where i made pictures with people's avatars and hearts)
kindly show me another love-related thread

also: the reason i act differently now than i did when i first joined is because i've basically adopted a more understandable version of the typing style of most of the people i talk to

norma lly i would just type like this ??????? but y eah since some people would get mad a t me so
not really.

you posted ~3 topics that were love-related.
All of them were useless, and obviously a joke.

not really.

you posted ~3 topics that were love-related.
All of them were useless, and obviously a joke.
links pls

what lol

why is no one helping me you guys are meanies :(

If you don't understand basic concepts and/or words... google them.  I know you were home-schooled, but your family's failure shouldn't limit you.  You obviously crave attention all the time.

"Total Topics Started:    164 topics"
"Date Registered:    September 04, 2011, 09:56:05 PM"

don't forget pengie!!!

but she only posts in the drawing thread i think

since shy is in the thread, can you tell us about the transformation i pointed out in the OP?

tumblr isn't even that bad omg

Also, what's with shyGriff's messed up avatar? Turning cats inside-out isn't funny.