Author Topic: Mini Empire Noobs.  (Read 4531 times)

You really don't have much of a base here as there are no rules set in stone about the damn roleplay.
The solution is to script it so that it is more variable based.
Now all we need is a Mini Empires gamemode.

You really don't have much of a base here as there are no rules set in stone about the damn roleplay.
If there was a message that would appear when you spawned stating not to do this it would be different that making up some rules in your head.

It's impossible to set rules for role play, because there are trillions of possibilities. Archers vs archers? Mine are on higher grounds and have long bows, better range, I get first attack.

Generally common sense is the rule, and that's really as far as people can go without making up rules that take 10 lines of text "no more than x vehicles unless y or z condition occurs, in which case you can have x vehicles but not on Tuesdays not Thursdays, an each vehicle can only carry g people unless condition q is met..."

It's just not worth the effort. There are stupid players. It's just a fact of life. You go on a TDM? Team killers. Zombie team defence game? They lock you out of the safe house. Spaceship build? They make a square room and make the whole thing glow and call it a super mega cannon death room of win.
If an admin believes your not playing by the rules because you refuse to play with someone, then your clearly not presenting WHY your not playing with them.

Take for example, the last mini empires I hosted.
Person x wanted to ally with me and set up a small colony on my 128x128 custom island. Person y said he wanted too as well since person x could, but person y only wanted three things; my favor, better way to attack person x, and more land. I turned him down, and when he insisted, I had person x wage war on him. If person y tried to meta-game with him 16x16 island, I would D-wand half of his fleet as punishment.

Make of it what you wish, but metagaming and stuffty mini empires aren't gonna leave anytime soon

Unless someone makes a grand list of rules set in stone about every possible option you are allowed to take in mini-empire games, everyone is going to do their own thing and pull explanations from their asses.

metagaming and stuffty mini empires aren't gonna leave anytime soon

1.) He chopped the trees down to make the boats
2.) Maybe they're inside those big blue balls or on the ships
3.) This is blockland, nothing is habitable because it isn't real

You haven't been to a mini empires server, have you?

1.) How do you know he chopped down his trees, there is no evidence of that, besides, even if he had chopped down his trees, he still didn't have enough wood for a fleet that size, he is also missing the other materials as well

2.) The big blue balls could be anything, but cannons. Its more likely the cannons are on the ships, too bad half the fleet was made illegally (see #1)

3.) Again, you haven't played mini empires, have you?

so your ship didn't get there unnoticed


Of course, they'd notice his ship. but that doesn't excuse the fact the this noob was breaking the rules

If there was a message that would appear when you spawned stating not to do this it would be different that making up some rules in your head.

There probably were rules at the spawn.

Very well executed triple post.

He did nothing wrong, this drama does not seem to have much of a point.

You don't actually have to cut down the trees to make boats.

I very strictly administrate my Mini Empires server when I host it. I have a set of rules, to make Rping at least somewhat enjoyable for those who want a serious roleplay.

If someone fails to follow simple rules (Such as no metagaming, godmodding, etc), they are removed from the server. And I do get some serious players too.

You don't actually have to cut down the trees to make boats.

Yes you do. To make boats, you need wood, and to get wood one must cut down trees. In other words NO TREES = NO WOOD = NO BOATS

He's implying you "imagine" the cutting down of trees; the time it would take to manage the amount of wood chopped down and then the replanting of trees could cost you 1/4 of the time you could've spent improving your empire as a whole. Most people, myself included, make small patches of forest, then a lumberjack mill with a few cut down trees and some tree stumps nearby; reasonably speaking, if you've played for an hour and your colony had doubled in size in that time frame, 1.5 boats seems about a fair ratio. Sure building a boat isn't easy, but if your city went from 5 houses to 25, then yeah you should have some more ships.

Best solution; quit griping an host your own mini empires hot shot, it ain't easy and people will cut you just to piss on the wound and leave.