Author Topic: Mini Empire Noobs.  (Read 4538 times)

You haven't been to a mini empires server, have you?

1.) How do you know he chopped down his trees, there is no evidence of that, besides, even if he had chopped down his trees, he still didn't have enough wood for a fleet that size, he is also missing the other materials as well

2.) The big blue balls could be anything, but cannons. Its more likely the cannons are on the ships, too bad half the fleet was made illegally (see #1)

3.) Again, you haven't played mini empires, have you?

Backup could have just came from another island.

Just look at his island, its just like a square. Just its just why.

Tap, you metagammed too, in Shadowcrusnik's server, you built a loving 2500+ ton ship with a 1x6x1 engine, how could that beat the planet's gravity?
Hey Dumbstuff, that was a year ago. The ship has super epic noob powers lol.

Those are some ugly ships.
You should see his other ships with like small boats with HUGE ass sails.

I never understood the point of Mini Empires.

1. There is a way to ultimately cheat

2. It's an rp

3. It SHOULD be scripted by someone to be much better

4. Why is it always mini? There should be a normal scaled size one, to give some variety, and to not look lazy

I never understood the point of Mini Empires.

1. There is a way to ultimately cheat

2. It's an rp

3. It SHOULD be scripted by someone to be much better

4. Why is it always mini? There should be a normal scaled size one, to give some variety, and to not look lazy

Try building Gunny's largest ship to scale.

I never understood the point of Mini Empires.

1. There is a way to ultimately cheat There is? Really? You mean this game ISN'T one of trillions of games that you can cheat on in some way, shape or form?! Holy cow! Someone tell the news! Mini empires are the ONLY games you can cheat in!

2. It's an rp depends on how solid the rules are. Often times on my servers I make people explain how they achieved the idea for new things, and explain the process to the best of their ability, implying they are taking on the role of the discoverer.

3. It SHOULD be scripted by someone to be much better you mean turn it into something like a city RPG? Where you make the most money via violence and you can set crazy fires and has an insane physics engine? Sounds brilliant. While you waste 4 months coding that, I'll finish eventing 7 different kinds of ships to fire directional cannons at random intervals per cannon as well as produce a projectile, sound and FX. Have fun.

4. Why is it always mini? There should be a normal scaled size one, to give some variety, and to not look lazythe point is to make it mini scale so you can make a lot of stuff. Now, on the other hand, there is also something called dwarf craft. This is a larger, more realistic scale. Often times if my average civilian is 1x1 with a height of 2/3 of a brick, then my ships are about 10x wide, 38x long, 20x tall. Not everyone is a stuffty builder who thinks mini empires is literally shrinking yourself and running around with rockets. There are a lot of decent players, and I hope to show that off soon with a gallery topic about mini empires.

Also. Tap. Quit loving double triple posting. Check what you wanna say before you post. Also, as controversial as it is at the moment for me to say this; quit getting aggressive on drama. All of your dramas have been pretty stuffty and you tend to be a shady character. Your drama as is, is poorly made; you drama'd one person, not a server nor a host nor an admin, and you drama'd him over how he plays in a very minimal way. He didnt want you to haul ass on him. If everyone drama'd a player for something as small as this, well drama would be VERY lively.


The easiest way to avoid Mini Empire noobs is a simple one: don't host Mini Empires.

The easiest way to avoid noobs in any game or situation is a simple one: Self Delete by stab. May your sole rest in peace.


The easiest way to avoid Mini Empire noobs is a simple one: don't host Mini Empires.
the easiest way to avoid blockland noobs is a simple one: leave blockland

the easiest way to avoid noobs is a simple one: destroy your computer

Anyone in opposition of this topic is a moron and should stay away from any Mini Empires server.

This behavior is called 'godmodding' in roleplaying, which by the way, mini empires servers are roleplays. The act of not being able to lose in any given situation.
This usually includes:
-Pulling stuff out of your ass in new situations. For example, making 5 new clone islands and having ships emerge from nowhere to surround an enemy ship.
-Avoiding or surviving any oncoming attack. This includes being able to survive a nuclear blast, and dodging a homing sniper shot, or even something completely silent from behind.
-Overpowered attacks. No mortal should be able to destroy a planet let alone a city. (Exceptions would be gathering explosives and placing them around the city, using technology etc.) If you're not mortal, you're a bad roleplayer.
-Declaring hits. Declare an attack, but don't say it hit. Let the other RPers decide this. If everything misses them, stop RPing with them. RPing is supposed to be collaborated story writing. Not a game.

If you don't like roleplaying, that's fine. Other people are allowed to. And this is clearly a roleplaying server seeing how people are given freedom to build whatever they like, as long as they follow rules. If it were a game, then it would be scripted, and believe me, I tried to plan that out before. I got stuck on deciding how to make things move without recreating hundreds of bricks every half second, or crippling creativity by using models.


Most people here seem to be against the OP. Yeah god modding is bad but it isn't really worth a drama when 7/10 people do it.

I got tired of mini empires once kids kept making stuffty builds like those in OP and would just mass-dupe spam "armies" and "navies" out of nowhere, or just "conquer me" and threaten to get the admin to ban me if I didn't comply with them.

I know, right. I had this flourishing empire, and this handicap went straight for my island from 50 miles away like he knew it was there,  came from BEHIND the island (land was actually supposed to go there later), spammed and godmodded and the admin ended up so mad that I had to forfeit.