Author Topic: Haven't been on since 07; What happened to all the maps?  (Read 883 times)

What happened to all the maps? Where is the Bedroom, Kitchen, and all the others?
« Last Edit: November 26, 2012, 03:44:51 PM by Ephialtes »

They slowed down development and were really glitchy and looked bad so they were removed.

They slowed development and would not work for them devs. So they were removed and to replace it was shadows. Which is good since we basicly were only using slates at the time.

the update added shadows and shaders, and removed maps

Whelp. While I'm glad to see the BL is moving onwards and upwards, a small part of me is sad to see a part of BL history gone.

That is how i felt too, but you can just load the bedroom save.

Jesus man, where have you been?

They! Killed! Interiors!
All that remains, is slate!

Jesus man, where have you been?

Well I actually forgot about the game, then in my French class a student did a presentation with it, and I thought: "Hey, I remember that!" So here I am.

you must have heard of it

you joined august 3rd or something

Whelp. While I'm glad to see the BL is moving onwards and upwards, a small part of me is sad to see a part of BL history gone.

I love you for actually showing some gladness and understanding of Blockland's development instead of all the other twats who realized the removal of maps just now.

I love you for actually showing some gladness and understanding of Blockland's development instead of all the other twats who realized the removal of maps just now.
That makes two of us.
I actually feel bad for badspot, since he worked for so long to make maps work, but they still didn't, so he had to remove them.
but i <3 environment settings

They died! D: but hey, shaders and shadows which make BL to laggy to play for me are cool!

who was your old BLID? your forum account says its a 14K?