Author Topic: Math Problems  (Read 6964 times)

Here's the game, the above user has to give a math question (k-12), and then the person below answers it and gives another one, it's a cycle.


c/2 - 13 = 7

Find out what C's value is.

c = 10

5/2^x + 9 = 14
Calculate the amount of dogs on earth.

c = 10

5/2^x + 9 = 14

c = 40

c/2 - 13 + 13 = 7 + 13

c/2 = 20

(c/2)*2 = (20)2

c = 40

how does that solve how many dogs are on the planet?

(52, -40) (37, 24)

Give the slope and Y-intercept.

(52, -40) (37, 24)

Give the slope and Y-intercept.

I just learned this today, just let me graph it.

(52, -40) (37, 24)

Give the slope and Y-intercept.
slope is (x1+y1)/dalmations^poodle
This is how maths works I think.

ok do this one
what is
100 + 1 - 100

Slope is -64/15 I'm sure.

everybody is loving clueless in this thread WHOS IDEAS WAS THIS

Yeah, you think this algebra stuff is hard?

Try finding the height of something over forty feet tall with only a ruler and a mirror, to the inch

I have to be in 2 algebra classes because I'm not that good.