
Which of these servers should be inducted?

Pecon7's Boss Battles
40 (15.1%)
Wink's City RPG
2 (0.8%)
Cysero's Midieval RPG
4 (1.5%)
Cat123's Grapple Knife TDM
7 (2.6%)
Wizzard's Dogfight TDM
21 (7.9%)
Diggy's Metropolis
12 (4.5%)
Heedicalking's TDM
16 (6%)
Kalphiter's New Years Party
41 (15.5%)
Jorgur's Dogfight TDM
22 (8.3%)
Pload's Jail Escape
15 (5.7%)
Crown's Jail Escape
2 (0.8%)
Custard's City RPG
0 (0%)
Surburb's City RP
2 (0.8%)
Kniaz's Bluezone
26 (9.8%)
[]----[]'s Mafia Madness
13 (4.9%)
Red Guy's Unlimited Mining
8 (3%)
Centhra's Dueling
8 (3%)
Wicked's City RPG
5 (1.9%)
Nobot's Deathrace
9 (3.4%)
Pablo's Lego Server
6 (2.3%)
Cucumberdude's Jail RP
6 (2.3%)

Total Members Voted: 160

Voting closed: December 31, 2012, 04:35:07 PM

Author Topic: Blockland Server Hall of Fame Qualifiers  (Read 4161 times)

Wicked's definitely, Nobot's deathrace was fun for the first 10 minutes after you join and Jogur's was good a few years ago, apart from that I don't really want to go on any of the others.

Also I don't think the whol "over 20%" thing will work as it's quite possible no or very few (ie. 1) will get that much % when there are so many spread out voting options.
« Last Edit: December 06, 2012, 05:40:45 AM by Clone v.117 »

Nobot's deathrace was fun for the first 10 minutes after you join
Pfft you probably died and quit the server


I don't even remember you on it.

Pfft you probably died and quit the server
I don't even remember you on it.
Last I played it was quite a while back and it was pretty fun but all the handicapped players made for a less enjoyable experience, i.e. after the first few min they all forget around and piss you off.

Last I played it was quite a while back and it was pretty fun but all the handicapped players made for a less enjoyable experience, i.e. after the first few min they all forget around and piss you off.
It's sad but yea I agree.

This happens a lot with races and other game modes.

Red Guys and Wizzards.

Also I don't think the whol "over 20%" thing will work as it's quite possible no or very few (ie. 1) will get that much % when there are so many spread out voting options.
I'm thinking 10 percent would be better. I mean, there's about 20 voting options and just one server getting 10 percent of all votes seems to be pretty popular among the players.


Sorry, just wanted to see if more votes or suggestions would come in.

Vote for my server or you are a boring person.

Vote for my server or you are a boring person.
Voted, and I don't like that your boring if you don't ._.

I feel bad for the newer players, they never got to see Wizzard's Dogfight TDM, or alot of the better servers there were in the past.

Vote for my server or you are a boring person.

Do you love me yet?
« Last Edit: December 15, 2012, 02:14:26 PM by Evar678 »

Played at Wizzards and Nobots when they first started

What do winners get?