
What is your position on the topic?

I have sold my soul to the devil
10 (20%)
I'm planning on it
6 (12%)
I'm thinking about it
4 (8%)
I have not sold my soul to the devil
6 (12%)
I will never
24 (48%)

Total Members Voted: 50

Author Topic: Selling Your Soul to the Devil  (Read 1482 times)

lol Arrogant Bastard logo.

never understood how people "sell their souls". is it like a bank that the devil owns and operates? where would this soul bank be? does your soul gather interest? what exactly are you losing from selling your soul?

One time, Satan stole my soul without my permission, so I kicked him in the teeth and he gave it back.

The way I see it is if you do this, nothing happens until you die, (except perhaps what you bargained for, and it would probably be the same as the monkey's paw magic anyway) then you get sent directly to hell after you die.

Either way a terrible idea if you ask me.

I have no soul to sell

I would make a bet with the devil for his golden fiddle, because my names Johnny
And it might be a sin, but i forgot the rest of this song.

And it might be a sin, but i forgot the rest of this song.
That's okay, just come on back if you ever want to try again.

He said he'd tell me the location of a great buried treasure, and made me a successful moneylender.

Best. Deal. Ever.

I would make a bet with the devil for his golden fiddle, because my names Johnny

This man has won the entire thread

That's okay, just come on back if you ever want to try again.

Because I told you once you son of a bitch, I'm the best that's ever been.


what if you sold your soul to get to heaven?