Author Topic: A series of unfortunate events (Not the book)  (Read 1076 times)

Can't find love in 8th grade? Loveless4lief

Sometimes emotional pain can be far greater than physical pain, just pointing that out as I've been in emotional stress bad enough to where I would've been glad that happened instead.
same here, thats why i grew my hair long so i dont have to look at the forgetwits at my school

The world is quiet here.

I would like to post a couple of things but I don't want to get banned for flaming.

Dude, man up and get over it. This is a 4chan greentext beta story right here. I had no idea this stuff happens for real.

Kick the sonofabitch in the balls. Do it for me.

Reminds me of when I was in 5th grade a girl I had a crush on who said she loved me told me that she was lying the whole time and said that she was doing it just because it was my last chance to get a girlfriend.

Fast forward a school year and I got my first girlfriend.

Middle school was great.

Don't get so attached to someone who you don't even know that well.

I would just let it go.  A similar thing happened to me in middle school (I liked girl + girl says she liked me = her saying it was a joke so I feel bad) and I just moved on.

had enough at "the love of my life", there's a difference between love and lust.

just get over it.  IMO you got super attached super quickly over a girl that you didn't even have the balls to ask out.  protip: if you don't do something, someone else will and you'll be eternally banging your head against concrete walls screaming "why".

there's no need to be upset.  there's WAY worse things that can happen in relationships that still wouldn't even merit stupid stuff like "that's the point where i tied the noose".  you're like 13 or something, you have a lot to live for.

This is why you should ask her out yourself, Because if you have to ask someone else to do it for you, Then you are clearly not ready for a woman.

Sometimes emotional pain can be far greater than physical pain, just pointing that out as I've been in emotional stress bad enough to where I would've been glad that happened instead.

good point!

There are plenty of fish in the sea.

There are plenty of fish in the sea.
He must be stranded in the middle of the desert..

This story is so trivial that I struggled to think of something that could be considered less of a reason to commit Self Delete.

You'll live on.

This is not a story stuffty book about some orphans. This is a story on how mean and ignorant people can be, and why I will never find someone who loves me for who I am. Diving into the stuffstorm, now. Recently, I went on a field trip to the Denver Museum of Nature and Science on a school field trip. One of my girl acquaintances was put into my group, so she stayed with me on the trip. I talked with her a lot, slowly taking attraction to her. forget me for doing this, I think I fell in love with her. After a few hours of constant talking, the trip was over. Another kid who was n my group, Chris, thought I was hitting on her. Although I was, I denied the fact that I was. He thought I should ask her out, and being the true pusillanimous individual I am, am couldn't bring myself to do it. Chris, who became a good friend by then, wanted to do it for me. I was relived, he was going to bring me to the love of my life. Later that day, he asked her out for me. He walked into the room, revealing that she said yes. I was ecstatic that I was going to go out with her the next Friday. Again being a pusillanimous individual, I didn't talk to her. I went home, feeling as happy as could be. I went home, boasting my stuff to my brother and my friends. I texted my other friend about it telling him about it. Being the stuff of the school, he had her number, and I asked for it. The next text sunk my heart down to my feet, bringing my soul into an abyss of sadness, "You know she said no, right?" I stared at the screen, wondering why the forget me. Why? I texted that kid, Chris, about it and he said "hahahahaha u fell for it". My heart was beating in a fast pace fueled by rage and sadness, I immediately texted him back, raging  a barrage of cursing, arguments, and sadness. Two minuets later, he said, "lol dude im sorry i thought u knew that she didnt like u lol dumbass" I nearly tied up the ol' noose at that point, sobbing and raging in my room. My heart was broken and stabbed, all for the amusement for one. And now I'm here, telling you guys about my sad shrivel of hate that I call a life. This happened about an hour ago, I am still shaking from the aftermath of nervousness. This is a true story, and I hope none of you will have to suffer something like this.

The books are a much better story than this.
You make it sound like your girlfriend was murdered or something.

You asked your FRIEND to ask a girl out for you. (That's a horrible idea)
Then he lies for some reason and tells you she said yes. But then you go and brag about it to everyone you know.
Why would you even trust what he said. If she's the "love of your life" (Which she isn't, you're an 8th grader, lol.) then after she supposedly said yes, you should've asked him for the number FIRST and THEN if she really said yes then you could tell people about it.

Calm down, it'll blow over eventually. Plus you can't really go from just calling a girl your acquaintance to the love of your life in a few hours.

No offense Silreath, but posting this the forum might not be the best way to ease your pain. Don't be surprised at the answers you are getting here, especially if some of them are hurtful. I tried posting this kind of thing before myself; all I got was a boatload of bad ideas and hateful comments about the girl I like, in addition to some completely off-topic antireligious bait from Lalam24. Posting this to the forum looking for advice is not going to get you much of anywhere when it comes to this kind of subject, and your heart is only going to get further crushed.

My own advice comes in three steps:

1: Don't be friends with that jerk who lied to you thinking you'd find it funny. That kind of stuff is nothing to joke about especially not the way he did it. He is not worth being friends with if he pulls baggy stunts like that.

2: Talk about this rather with someone in real life who you can trust to tell, perhaps another good friend or one of your parents. Preferably do this over text, from my experience it is much easier to do it this way.

3: Learn to accept that she doesn't like you. This can be very painful to go through, I have been there. Rejection is a very painful thing, especially if you have visualized a future with this girl. The thought that you won't be the one who she falls in love with, gets married to, has love with, and bears children to and grows old with can be one of the most painful thoughts that guys at our age can have. But you have to accept it and move on; you MUST. I spent four years of my elementary and middle school life chasing after my crush after already being rejected, and my efforts got me nowhere. So take my advice and learn to move on. This is very critical.