Author Topic: Buildable Vehicle (by Truce) (Updated 27 Dec 2012)  (Read 58597 times)


Buildable Vehicle
A vehicle that can be built on and driven.

Yes, buildable vehicles. First off, this is not related to the buildable vehicles already "released" by Brian Smith, nor the elevator events by Xalos. This is a completely seperate script made by a completely seperate scripter. Their methods rely on constantly moving static shapes, which look choppy and lag behind, especially in large volumes. This script uses custom models with several nodes to display "bricks" on the vehicle chassis that move just as fluidly as a driver would in the vehicle - seemingly perfectly.

How do I use it? First, install the add-on like any normal add-on. You should not have to change any settings nor disable any add-ons, but if you find a conflicting add-on please let me know so I can modify the code. Next, spawn a vehicle like you would normally, selecting "Buildable Vehicle" from the list. To build on a vehicle, simply left click on it. As long as you have full trust with the owner, you will be able to use your ghost brick to place bricks on the vehicle like you would normally when building. I suggest turning off raycasting and collisioning on the spawn brick before spawning it so it rests flat on the ground. When you want to build normally again, either click the car you were building on, or Self Delete if you are unable to find the car to click it.

What are additional editing options? You can undo any actions you apply to the vehicle with your normal undo key, which includes being able to undo building, coloring, and erasing. Erasing is an action you can use by placing bricks after you take out the "FX - None" spray can (you will be notified in chat). Anything inside your ghost brick will be erased with this method, and to stop simply switch to any other spray can. Additionally, you can use the slash command /togglechassis to toggle the visbility of the base. This was a quick addition, so you are not currently able to build where the base was, but you can still make cool designs with it off.

Can I save my vehicles? Yup! The slash commands are /savevehicle NAME and /loadvehicle NAME. These commands can be used every 5 seconds and 30 seconds respectively, with super admins being able to bypass the time limit. Each BL_ID has their own folder of saves on the server, so don't worry about naming your vehicle the same as someone else's and overwriting theirs. However, this means that if you want to load someone else's car onto your chassis, you will need to have them click your chassis and load it themselves. Always be sure to save your vehicles, because leaving the server and joining minigames causes your vehicles to respawn, which will reset the chassis.

Did I forget something? Make sure to post any questions or suggestions you have here. Happy holidays guys.

P.S. Other chassis shapes, flying buildable vehicles, etc are all possible with this method. This is just a start. Let's make sure this script is as good as it can be and then we'll move forward into expanding the possibilities. As such, please do not post these suggestions in the topic, as they will not be addressed yet.


Installation into the Add-Ons folder in your Blockland folder.


Change Log
Quote from: Change Log
25 Dec 2012
- Add-on's initial release

27 Dec 2012
- Added support for Server_RideOnClick
- Bricks now scale when the vehicle scale is changed
- Singleplayer/LAN servers use the save folder of the host

Related Add-Ons
Vehicle Events - Use events to manipulate your vehicle even more (by z0w0)
Vehicle Stereo - Play music straight from your vehicle with /stereo (by Truce)
Trust Levels - Change the required trust level to ride in a vehicle (by Space Guy)

See Also
Original .blend files for modders to reference to make other chassis (by Truce)
Official gallery topic for pictures of buildable vehicles you customize (by Jeep)
Fanmade video trailer to advertise the add-on with a sandwich car (by jman552)
« Last Edit: February 08, 2013, 03:32:48 PM by Truce »

Truce, I am your love slave. Forever.

nice going truce, actually something decent


Ah, so you went with unhiding nodes.

Kinda disappointing, I was hoping maybe I could make some custom bricks to go along with it.

« Last Edit: December 25, 2012, 03:00:23 PM by Conservative »