Author Topic: Should I sell my NES?  (Read 1911 times)

I got an NES about 3 months ago, and I only have 2 games and it just sits and collects dust. Should I sell it?

no get mario bros for it

No, keep it and be really cool and different because you have a 15 year old piece of obsolete garbage.

If it was a SNES I would say keep it.
But NES sucks. Sell it.

Keep it. You never know, it could be a rare collectors item and might sell for a lot more than now...

If its an original NES and not one of the third party ones it can already go for a lot

I'd take it

I really want to get another one because my old one died a long time ago.

If its an original NES and not one of the third party ones it can already go for a lot
Third party NES?

Keep it. You never know, it could be a rare collectors item and might sell for a lot more than now...

keep it until you need to buy a computer or a car or something, sell it then