
x86 Or ARM?


Author Topic: [MEGATHREAD] Personal Computer - Updated builds thanks to Logical Increments  (Read 1331775 times)

man microsoft is really pushing their win10 upgrade. i came back from the bathroom and there was a countdown timer for it to force the upgrade on me.

>tfw kids at school think my laptop is alienware

i don't really get it either, it says lenovo on it :v
i guess when people see LED keyboards they automatically think "oh it's alienware" or something, but that's just my theory

>tfw kids at school think my laptop is alienware

i don't really get it either, it says lenovo on it :v
i guess when people see LED keyboards they automatically think "oh it's alienware" or something, but that's just my theory

really? wow, that's interesting. you'd usually think if kids have enough knowledge to know about alienware, they'd know if something was alienware or not

1080 > sli 980ti and titan x

only $600 :D

(so is 1070 for $400)
« Last Edit: May 07, 2016, 07:52:10 AM by Bisjac »

1080 > sli 980ti and titan x

only $600 :D

(so is 1070 for $400)
looks really nice, can't wait to see how well it does with blockland, games, and rendering

having an absurd amount of ram sure comes in handy when you have 350+ chrome tabs...15.1 GB total ram usage and i still have plenty of room to go

first, why the forget do you have 350 chrome tabs open?

second, why use chrome? It whores your CPU.

first, why the forget do you have 350 chrome tabs open?
tons of arbitrary crap that i want to check out at a later time...aka 50 years at this rate; it's time for me to clear them out anyways
second, why use chrome? It whores your CPU.
i've used it for a long time and it works OK for me for the most part. CPU usage is pretty high (~7-10% with a i7 4770K) so i'm now using a tab suspending extension, which is working very well in reducing CPU and memory usage which are now at ~4% and 1.4 GB respectively, and after a setting change CPU usage is under 2%

so now that the school year is coming to a close im thinking about computers and upgrading again and this time im upping my budget to $1500. does anyone have any suggestions/comments?
the original build i was suggested was graciously provided by espio, seen here.

however id like it to be VR compatible, so that might cause issues with that build. Can anyone attest to what is minimum requirement for VR and/or good bl shaders?

min requirements are a 970 i believe. but thats cutting it close to run dual 1080p at high game settings. play safe and get a 1070 ($400), will blow it out of water till the next round of vr hardware comes out.
last gen cards were all 4gb on average. games on vr are going to be needing more and more vram.

1080 > sli 980ti and titan x

only $600 :D

(so is 1070 for $400)
only outperforms SLI GTX 980 (not Ti) in VR while running their new multi-projection feature... it's significantly less powerful in a normal environment

only outperforms SLI GTX 980 (not Ti) in VR while running their new multi-projection feature... it's significantly less powerful in a normal environment
It also depends on how SLI/crossfire compatible the game is
If thats a thing, someone told me it was

It is, many games dont support it. Though that only seems to come up for older games that you wouldnt need the extra power anyway.

bisjac bought me a titan.

It also depends on how SLI/crossfire compatible the game is
If thats a thing, someone told me it was
yep, some games refuse to work with two cards running in tandem. so sli/crossfire may give you a good boost in other games, but in other games you'll just have a $400+ paperweight

I bought myself a pc back in February. After using it for a few months, I don't know how I survived with that laptop.

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

CPU: Intel Core i7-6700K 4.0GHz Quad-Core Processor  (Purchased For $389.99)
CPU Cooler: Corsair H110 94.0 CFM Liquid CPU Cooler  (Purchased For $125.86)
Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-Z170X-UD5 ATX LGA1151 Motherboard  (Purchased For $179.99)
Memory: Corsair Vengeance LPX 16GB (2 x 8GB) DDR4-2666 Memory  (Purchased For $84.99)
Storage: Samsung 850 EVO-Series 250GB 2.5" Solid State Drive  (Purchased For $93.49)
Storage: Western Digital Caviar Blue 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive  (Purchased For $53.99)
Video Card: EVGA GeForce GTX 980 Ti 6GB HYBRID Video Card  (Purchased For $729.99)
Case: Phanteks Enthoo Pro M ATX Mid Tower Case  (Purchased For $92.97)
Power Supply: EVGA 750W 80+ Gold Certified Fully-Modular ATX Power Supply  (Purchased For $99.99)
Case Fan: Corsair Air Series AF120 Quiet Edition (2-Pack) 39.9 CFM 120mm  Fans  (Purchased For $25.99)
Monitor: Asus PB278Q 60Hz 27.0" Monitor  (Purchased For $433.50)
Keyboard: Logitech G710 Plus Wired Gaming Keyboard  (Purchased For $87.11)
Mouse: Logitech G502 Wired Optical Mouse  (Purchased For $53.11)
Other: NZXT Hue+ Advanced PC Lighting (Purchased For $67.98)
Total: $2518.95
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2016-05-08 09:59 EDT-0400