
x86 Or ARM?


Author Topic: [MEGATHREAD] Personal Computer - Updated builds thanks to Logical Increments  (Read 1369446 times)

can someone recommend me the thinnest build they can come up with for 1.5k$ CAD.

I was something particularly small width wise (like less that 5 inches)

can someone recommend me the thinnest build they can come up with for 1.5k$ CAD.

I was something particularly small width wise (like less that 5 inches)
Ok here is my proposal for you https://secure.newegg.com/Wishlist/SharedWishlistDetail?ID=AcK0dRtpRts%3d

Height 12.75" Width 3.9"(!!!) Depth 17"
AMD Ryzen 7 3700X
GTX 1050 Ti
~$200 CAD under your budget (converted directly from USD, prices could be different on the .ca store)(windows license also not considered)

This was a challenge to put together, such a slim form factor makes for a number of difficulties. First off, the PSU had to be TFX form factor, which is really small and doesn't have a lot of buying options. The case in this build comes with a TFX power supply, but you'll have to uninstall it and replace it with the one in the part list because it would be 150W short of the power requirements. Additionally, the TFX power supply in this list is 400W which is basically the highest wattage you'll ever find in that form factor. This is a pretty limiting factor in terms of what parts you can buy, most midrange builds desire at least 500W. The GTX 1050 Ti is the most powerful graphics card I could find that was available in the low-profile form factor needed to fit in this case. This build will probably have a lot of fan noise too. The only places this build has room for improvement is in more memory (I just thought 16GB would be plenty), and you can add a DVD or Blu-Ray drive too if you want. Nothing else in the build can really be improved due to the above constraints.

This was a fun challenge but it's honestly not really worth the money if you ask me. I'd just find a way to get a slightly larger space for the computer so you could make better use of the build money.

can someone recommend me the thinnest build they can come up with for 1.5k$ CAD.

I was something particularly small width wise (like less that 5 inches)
the intel NUC lineup is perfect for this. You can find a lot of them on eBay and they scale up to an i7 and 32gb of memory as far as I know. There is also the Lenovo ThinkCentre Tiny, which has similar dimensions to the Intel Skull Canyon NUC


For 700 u could do a Ryzen 5 3600, a good B450 board (may need an update kit from AMD), 16gb DDR4, an SSD / HDD, good case / psu, and a used 1070 for roughly 200usd (check eBay or /r/hardwareswap)

Just get a 2000 series and save some dosh for a midrange build. I don’t think there’s much reason to get the current gen Ryzen unless you want that little extra. A 2700X costs the same as a 3600. Also there are quite a few X470/B450 boards that have BIOS flashback, forget getting an update kit lel.

Just get a 2000 series and save some dosh for a midrange build. I don’t think there’s much reason to get the current gen Ryzen unless you want that little extra. A 2700X costs the same as a 3600. Also there are quite a few X470/B450 boards that have BIOS flashback, forget getting an update kit lel.
2700x and 3600 costs the same, but in gaming the 3600 wins out easily tho

That’s why you OC the 2700X. A decent board with good VRM’s (like any MSI B450) will have the overhead you need and you get 2(4+V) more cores. You’ll probably notice a marginal difference from the better IPC on the 3600, which comes down to straight value. Having more cores definitely isn’t a bad thing, especially with games and programs continuing to improve upon multithreaded performance. I managed to keep my i7-2600 for 7 years because the hyperthreading kept my PC above water as game devs started heavily implementing multi-threaded computing.

OC'ing the 2700x won't beat the 3600 lmao

on that $700 budget for gaming, the 3600 is a better value over the 2700x. If he would be doing more core intensive stuff, the 2700x would be more ideal


Again, marginal improvement on stock settings. Unless you're trying to hit 144 frames on a 144hz monitor, the boost is much less perceivable. Even less of a difference above 1080p. If you can find a 2700X used (which there are PLENTY out and about, I love Facebook Marketplace for a lot of reasons), somewhere around $170, that's honestly gold as forget (or even stake out longer and find someone pricing it to sell quick as forget). You're gonna see a lot more beneficial performance increase with a better GPU with even the $30 you could save. That's the difference between a stuffty blower style reference card and another manufacturer with good fans.

Believe me I love my 3600 so far, but 2700X still has a lot of power in the back, and a lot of people want to sell their old CPU's.

What laptops would you guys recommend for less than, or around $1,000 that has at least 1GB of VRAM, has a quad-core processor with more than 2 Ghz of processing speed, and has 4 - 6 (if not more) GBs of RAM?

1353 pages of computer talk

What laptops would you guys recommend for less than, or around $1,000 that has at least 1GB of VRAM, has a quad-core processor with more than 2 Ghz of processing speed, and has 4 - 6 (if not more) GBs of RAM?
this unless you don't want a laptop with a 8 year old CPU

i couldn't find the quadro one I had but it still fits the criteria :cookieMonster:

Ultrawide monitor or 144hz monitor?
I do both gaming and media consumptions
The combination of the two is just too expensive and its not practical to have both.
And I cant loving choose between the two, I have an ultrawide rn but I really want higher refresh rates. now that my phone is 90hz it just looks... ehh...
But forget me watching movies in ultrawide is great

or I can give my ultrawide to my mother because she's such a sweetheart and still needs a monitor for the pc I build for her :thonking:

EDIT: Went with a 144hz one because forget it i love you mom
« Last Edit: August 08, 2019, 08:48:57 AM by espio100 »