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Author Topic: [MEGATHREAD] Personal Computer - Updated builds thanks to Logical Increments  (Read 1369660 times)

Apparently there's gonna be an announcement about the new RTX 20xx lineup from NVidia tomorrow
Specs and MSRP were leaked in a listing.
Expect a crash in the market for the 10 series cards tomorrow
« Last Edit: August 19, 2018, 03:14:23 PM by Capella »

Time to sell my 1080ti rip

Time to sell my 1080ti rip
I wouldn't, even if they come out with another tier, the 1080ti is still really good
Hopefully gonna get one of my own soon during this sale
Apparently the manufacturers want to get rid of them ASAP to make room for the new cards so that's why prices are going to crash
« Last Edit: August 19, 2018, 03:13:49 PM by Capella »

I wouldn't, even if they come out with another tier, the 1080ti is still really good
Still doesnt mean I dont want a 2080ti
Im guessing a 1080ti will peform about the same as a 2070 or 2070ti

Still doesnt mean I dont want a 2080ti
Im guessing a 1080ti will peform about the same as a 2070 or 2070ti
I don't see the benefit of getting bleeding edge technology, but different wants I guess
I'd be willing to take that 1080ti off your hands if you do ultimately want to sell it
Also, it appears that (on paper) the 1080ti trades blows with the 2080, with having more physical RAM and cores while having a marginally slower clock boost speed
« Last Edit: August 19, 2018, 03:38:22 PM by Capella »

If I sell my old one itll only cost me about half
im fine with that

What do you figure I can get for a haswell i5 with a z97 motherboard, 16gbs of ddr3 and a 960?
No case and hard drive.

Guessing 300-400 tops

I recently updated my BIOS from 2014. I can actually update windows 10 now, so that cool.

i got the stuffty card that sucks ass

its so freaking purdy tho

in the case, i shouldnt of asked my friend michael to take the picture

the old bois, bout to be send out to the farm

Can I have ur old card :(
am on gtx 670
pls donate

Main full size gaming/production rig:
 - i7-8700k @ 4.7GHz, 32GB Ram, EVGA FTW3 1080Ti 12gb, 512gb M.2 SSD main drive, two 500gb SSDs.
The wiring was a lot neater before I upped from a 1070ti to the 1080ti, the extra 4 pins required some extenders and I got lazy. I plan on making it look neater whenever I end up touching the graphics card ( like when i get the RTX finally )

Mini ITX Portable VR Machine for my VIVE Pro
- i7-8700k @4.5GHz (watercooled), 16GB Ram, MSI 1070ti 8GB, 500GB M.2 SSD, 2TB SSHD.

I would show the inside of the mini ITX but... it was a complete bitch to build, and taking the cover on and off alone is about a 15 minute process.

Both idle about 22 c, unless it's hot in my room from other stuff like my projector. The mini itx obviously runs a bit hotter due to less space and overall lower airflow, but neither go over 35 c usually.

Was considering waiting to get the RTX but I bought the 1080ti before the name was even announced. And anyways, the upgrade isn't worth it until I can get a good price on one. With my job I do get about 10% off computer parts so I'm just waiting for a promotional deal I can stack it on top of.

Gonna revive this thread with a picture of a KVM rack I built at work.  Our old 8 port one was getting stuffty so I decided to spend some dosh on a 16 port KVM and 325 dollars of accompanying cables..

Please excuse the towers, they are old Z640's that have come out of hospitals as part of complaint systems I have been re-purposing for office/R&D use, they've seen better days.

by the way nerds I would be wary about getting an RTX card since there's a stuffload of them failing, even multiple times i  a row with some people