Author Topic: Obamacare forgets over some Wendy's employees  (Read 5671 times)

Well, if its like the Hostess thing they would just have to pay 20 cents to cover the health care. What you stupid Americigarettes don't understand, is that most other 1st world countries (No, not states America) already have healthcare. In those countries taxes are much higher but we get education and medical stuff for free.

Well, if its like the Hostess thing they would just have to pay 20 cents to cover the health care. What you stupid Americigarettes don't understand, is that most other 1st world countries (No, not states America) already have healthcare. In those countries taxes are much higher but we get education and medical stuff for free.
That wasn't necessary

Obamacare should have never been created. Period.

Well, if its like the Hostess thing they would just have to pay 20 cents to cover the health care. What you stupid Americigarettes don't understand, is that most other 1st world countries (No, not states America) already have healthcare. In those countries taxes are much higher but we get education and medical stuff for free.

I don't see why the world has so much hate for the country that brought us video games and the internet.

Well, if its like the Hostess thing they would just have to pay 20 cents to cover the health care. What you stupid Americigarettes don't understand, is that most other 1st world countries (No, not states America) already have healthcare. In those countries taxes are much higher but we get education and medical stuff for free.
I don't see how US isn't 1st world.

I don't see how US isn't 1st world.

He said most other implying US is 1st world.

How come the rest of the first world can handle socialized health care and almost completely free education. But in the United States it's a travesty if poor people get helped

How come the rest of the first world can handle socialized health care and almost completely free education. But in the United States it's a travesty if poor people get helped
yeah i actually found this really confusing because in australia we have free public education, healthcare and permanent (conditional) welfare

USA needs something similar to UK NHS

How come the rest of the first world can handle socialized health care and almost completely free education. But in the United States it's a travesty if poor people get helped
Here in Scotland we even have free college/uni.

Here in Scotland we even have free college/uni.
Fack you. Uni fees went up in England last year and the Scots won't allow us in D:

He could afford to pay 50+ full time workers, but now with the healthcare mandate, he has to cut everyone to 28 hours? Makes perfect sense.
I don't think its a matter of being cheap, sometimes these crazy things called "operating costs" and "supplies" need to be met before paying labor.

Not to mention the franchise fees.

Don't blame Obama cause some Wendy's owner is too much of a cheap prick to provide his employees with a basic service like healthcare.
Health Care is supposed to be a premium in a better job. When you are getting an entry level job you don't really get to be picky. It has never been any other way.

Also, How is the threat of going bankrupt qualify someone to be a cheap prick?

You need to check your head.

ITT: Loads of Liberals
« Last Edit: January 11, 2013, 02:40:32 PM by dorkdotdan »

Well, if its like the Hostess thing they would just have to pay 20 cents to cover the health care. What you stupid Americigarettes don't understand, is that most other 1st world countries (No, not states America) already have healthcare. In those countries taxes are much higher but we get education and medical stuff for free.
Way to name call. I thought British people were mature people who were above that sort of thing. I guess you are just as bad as the United States. Also atleast our Capital city is crawling with Pakistanis or people who rioted just to loot stores.

I just checked your profile, location says Finland. So that says a lot right there.
« Last Edit: January 12, 2013, 12:26:43 PM by Harm94 »

How come the rest of the first world can handle socialized health care and almost completely free education. But in the United States it's a travesty if poor people get helped


Also, How is the threat of going bankrupt qualify someone to be a cheap prick?
We have no actual figures on what's going on with this franchise owner.