Author Topic: BL_ID 35305  (Read 3365 times)

Nothing tribal or even the slightest bad in the pictures.

I don't get why people care if someone admins they troll?

It results in a perma ban.

I saw my name and my alt's name c:
OT: Send a PM to Nasoa or any admins. I got someone banned today for using
Client Sided Commands to change her timescale to something slower so she makes faster turns
and goes over obstacles better. She all glitched her way out of the beginning garage plenty of times
getting a huge head start.

I will say that this guy is an starfish. Tobuscus is one of those overrated Youtube people (on par with Pewdiepie lately) and this guy was obviously impersonating him.

Also this guy's name history makes it obvious he's an annoying spammer.

admittance to trolling? and i dont see anything tribal in the pictures


I don't get why people care if someone admins they troll?
it's against the rules
you're a moron

well, u-
Warning- while you were typing a new replay has been posted. You may wish to review your post.
oh okay
A new replay?

it's against the rules
I just checked'; there's no rule against it?

I just checked'; there's no rule against it?
it's a common sense rule mate
also it sort of falls under flaming/unintelligible posts

Or you know, press F2 and their ID comes up right next to their name!
he's a 35k
don't expect him to change that in the options