


Author Topic: Nintendo Megatopic LOCKED  (Read 151414 times)

I just found a box and it contained this:

A.K.A part of my childhood (and my brother's)

how many rubies do you have ffs

I can't wait to get mario maker so I can make a hard level called "Betels a friend".

I wish nintendo would make another MOTHER game, even though they said they're done with the franchise

the first one

here's the second

but then what's the one in the middle
is that firered?

but then what's the one in the middle
is that firered?

but then what's the one in the middle
is that firered?

you silly little butt monkey


you silly little butt monkey

i should try zooming in more often

Apparently Nintendo's sick of PETA's butthurtedness and cruel parodies and is considering taking legal action.

friggin' wackjobs. All these parodies show what Nintendo games would be like IF they were "more" intense with animal abuse than they are already (which they're not).

Platinum and Gold rewards are here! Gonna get DKC

Platinum and Gold rewards are here! Gonna get DKC

Is it too late to get to Platinum? :(

I just found a box and it contained this:
What is that controller?