Author Topic: [BCE] Blockland Cinema Entertainment - What bump. Need new ideas!!  (Read 13871 times)

Name: AlexFrost

BL_ID: 8727

Previous expierience: Admin on Tango's server.

Role: eventer or voice acter.

I haven't really ever voice acted before but I have acted in home movies and such. I am a decent eventer but  a HORRIBLE builder.

Name: AlexFrost

BL_ID: 8727

Previous expierience: Admin on Tango's server.

Role: eventer or voice acter.

I haven't really ever voice acted before but I have acted in home movies and such. I am a decent eventer but  a HORRIBLE builder.

Jakob: Since you are wanting to be in our upcoming video, anyways to get to the point. Yes

Fight4Life: No... Not........ wait, uh yeah.



Name: Sojolala24
BL_ID: 33251
Previous Experience: Once acted in one of Pablo's vid's, but wasn't there for final shoot.
Role: Actor, or filmer,

If I try hard enough, I can be decent actor, building, I'm kind of meh.

You guys have big competition with Cineblock!
Plus they have a nice layout and seems more simple to get in

You guys have big competition with Cineblock!
Plus they have a nice layout and seems more simple to get in
no one's joining though :(

hey, want to do some competition sometime?

no one's joining though :(

hey, want to do some competition sometime?
lolz i remember trying out for u like a year ago

Name: Sojolala24
BL_ID: 33251
Previous Experience: Once acted in one of Pablo's vid's, but wasn't there for final shoot.
Role: Actor, or filmer,

If I try hard enough, I can be decent actor, building, I'm kind of meh.

Fight4Life: He seems like an average blocklander.

Jakob: Yipcreepodah.... yipee yaa...
Nvm yes.

Fight4Life: He seems like an average blocklander.

Jakob: Yipcreepodah.... yipee yaa...
Nvm yes.
Yayyy. Anything going on now?

Yayyy. Anything going on now?

Auditioning for Block of the Dead. It's coming soon. I need someone to be shawn. If no one can voice act that well as a black guy I might as well just turn him into a white guy, or nobody at all.

I also need some sets, so if you have any Snowy Mountains or terrain bricks, I will gladly accept them! Even if you didn't make it, all I need to know is the person who made the set and later on I can include him/her in the credits at the end of the video.

spo rocks
Funny how I was just looking at the spo topic.


Auditioning for Block of the Dead. It's coming soon. I need someone to be shawn. If no one can voice act that well as a black guy I might as well just turn him into a white guy, or nobody at all.

I also need some sets, so if you have any Snowy Mountains or terrain bricks, I will gladly accept them! Even if you didn't make it, all I need to know is the person who made the set and later on I can include him/her in the credits at the end of the video.
need actors?

need actors?

Yes. I need a Shawn and a Jack. If you can have a pretend black voice (no offense) than that would be great. Then all I need is an actor herpaderp. (I have an actor for jack, but I would rather not use him.

Yes. I need a Shawn and a Jack. If you can have a pretend black voice (no offense) than that would be great. Then all I need is an actor herpaderp. (I have an actor for jack, but I would rather not use him.
I am not exactly voice actor, but I can act for jack.

I am not exactly voice actor, but I can act for jack.

Hm That would be good. Do you have skype though?