Author Topic: Trader.  (Read 10038 times)

Runescape sucks. Just wanted to point that out.

Yes really, play a decent MMO like Guild Wars.

I don't play it. I've never played it. The only reason I even know about it is because I get some dimwitted starfish on my server going 'DID U GET UR NAME FRMO IBANZ ON TEH RUNSCAPES?!"


LOLEOLE! Who the hell is Ibanz?

rune is the ultimate blow.

any game thats free is a bad thing, and most games with garbage graphics = bad.
both = a complete bullstuff community of immature children

i play FFXI and me and cookie started playing LOTR-online
*awaiting pristontale 2

I enjoy programming. The meticulas task of building is something I'm not good at.

I lol'd. How can you enjoy programming if you get other people to do it for you?

Anyways, most people would run around like lunatics if they were admined. Especially if it wasn't their server, and they weren't focused on keeping control over it. Wait... nevermind, Iban's server is chaotic no matter what.

Considering none of you have even ever joined before judging it, I suppose you can keep your ice creamty comments.

basically all that being admin is good for (while not on your own server, or your clan's dedicated)
is being a complete richard to others in DM's.

Actually, I often need the help of my admins to keep the server running smoothly when I'm programming / Away.
I've joined your RPG once, wasn't the best experience ever.
Also, eat shit and explode.

I enjoy programming. The meticulas task of building is something I'm not good at.

I lol'd. How can you enjoy programming if you get other people to do it for you?

Anyways, most people would run around like lunatics if they were admined. Especially if it wasn't their server, and they weren't focused on keeping control over it. Wait... nevermind, Iban's server is chaotic no matter what.

Wow. forget you, mate.

The reason I visit Coding Help often is because I do not know all everything I could previously learn by digging through the main files. I don't know HOW these people go these lines of code, but I do need them, so I ask. After I get it once I do not need it reiterated.

Wow. panda you, mate.

The reason I visit Coding Help often is because I do not know all everything I could previously learn by digging through the main files. I don't know HOW these people go these lines of code, but I do need them, so I ask. After I get it once I do not need it reiterated.

Meh. Fair enough.

I still stand by my statement about the chaotic server.

I stand by my request for suggestions; I tried implementing a cop system to combat the town killing, but the people I grant privileges to abuse the weapons more than the people committing the crimes.

Hmm... code a safe zone with your 'awesome' coding skills? =P

Seriously, the worst part was that the people with guns had such an unfair advantage. While you tried to charge at them with spears, they'd just step back, aim, and boom, you're dead. Not very balanced.

iBan, the mac version :D
nah but really if your onna randomly admin someone.. yeah... jsut dont...