Author Topic: Post Your Backyards  (Read 3900 times)

Our yard is almost 2 acres.


Greetings from Ohio.

I feel like I've been past that backyard lol looks so familiar.

I feel like I've been past that backyard lol looks so familiar.
visit eachother

Like frontrox, my backyard is really big (probably not even close to as big as his) but big.  An acre or two.

So I just got one picture of the backyard

Ocean bby

Im coming to steal your backyard because it looks awesome

It's just weeds, a dead cat, haunted garage, and alleyway from Silent Hill.
Nothing to see.

It's just weeds, a dead cat, haunted garage, and alleyway from Silent Hill.
Nothing to see.
i want to see

Im coming to steal your backyard because it looks awesome
thanks, the ocean is really nice to swim in during the summer

thanks, the ocean is really nice to swim in during the summer

Do you ever swim in it?

suing OP for intense insensitivity, I live in an apartment

suing OP for intense insensitivity, I live in an apartment

I live in an apartment
it's pretty simple

if you meant the part about suing, then like... wow ok

I don't have a backyard, I live in an apartment.

But there is a nice view of downtown from my 3 balconies if you guys want to see it.

But there is a nice view of downtown from my 3 balconies if you guys want to see it.
ya that's what I'm saying man
uh, no it's not, but it's what I say sometimes
people think of apartments as like, places where lame dumb college kids live or something
but in a lot of ways I like it more than a house
it's pretty normal-sized. three bedrooms and two bathrooms. that's like, the same as my dad's house. the square footage is lower but it's really nice still
my room's and my sister's are each nearly the size of the master bedroom, which is crazy but I'm not complaining or anything
dunno what I was getting at with that. but here, we don't have to worry about yardwork or vandalism. no idea why, but I've never heard of vandalism happening here. not that it's common outside of the apartment complex, but still
and there are people like everywhere, so it's naturally pretty safe too