Author Topic: Game in development  (Read 2941 times)

Most people have seen the male model I made on here, well recently with time freeing up in college, I have decided to take on a new project, and I was hoping for AoT community suggestions on what to add into the game.

Why am I asking the AoT community you say?

Well I was intending to make the game based around some of the funner parts of Age of Time, most noteably, the grappling hook.

So far confirmed choices for the game are as follows:
Grappling Hook
P2P and P2NPC combat
Weapons include, but are not limited to ; Bows, Swords, Magic, possibly guns, etc.

Any other options you guys would enjoy seeing should be noted
Also, should I make it a matchmaking game, dungeon crawling game (such as vindictus) or an open world game, and what sort of crafting options and extra skills would you guys enjoy seeing?

It will not be as high quality as the male model I posted earlier, I plan on keeping it low-poly to keep the fundamental simplicity age of time had, and to make sure all PC's (except Windows 93 of course) could run it.

Any suggestions, harsh criticism, and other AoT expected posts are appreciated.

The game is going to take place in a more modern / grunge environment, the rooftops will be key on combat, providng vast coverage, and hopefully I will be incooperating a major parkour installation, the biggest hold back right now is that I have yet to model/rig/animate the low-poly character I plan on using for the game. But I do plan on having the grappling hook be incooperated with the parkour system.
« Last Edit: February 04, 2013, 10:34:50 PM by Dorso »

Good luck trying to make this a reality. Most people have tried to "remake" AoT and they never survived.

Do you have any screenshots of any progress you may have started?

You could remove the crime system, and have it so players can't remove undies.

But hey, some people like being naked apparently, so you might not want to do that.

You should make it an open world game, freedom and exploration is what most players are into (including me)

You could remove the crime system, and have it so players can't remove undies.

But hey, some people like being naked apparently, so you might not want to do that.

You should make it an open world game, freedom and exploration is what most players are into (including me)
Its just nudity.
Grow up lol

Its just nudity.
Grow up lol
ironically with this community you'll have a bunch of immature kids running around making snake jokes and having e-love

remove the possibility of guns

I would kinda like to possibility to set up like a little hut or tent to sleep in and hid from mobs.

Why was this moved? It's AOT related.

Why was this moved? It's AOT related.

It's still just about a new game being made, not AoT.

It's still just about a new game being made, not AoT.
Oh i read it wrong

Is aot fun
If you like subtle things like boobyjiggle when you run
Skimpy clothing in many colors and textures
And big lesbian orgies
Then aot is for you!!!!!!

I'll try to make my list of suggestions brief, but it'll probably be obscenely long anyway.

DO list:
  • Have an item crafting system.  Being able to make your own weapons and clothing was one thing that really drew me in about Age of Time.  A similar system with a wider range of items to craft and a greater purpose to the different materials would be awesome.
  • Have lots of dungeons and other challenges for the players to complete.  Age of Time has a few, but only two really provide any rewards (the hook and golden hook).
  • Make melee combat fun, even if it's not particularly interesting.  Sword fighting in Age of Time can be fun against other players, but it's pretty much useless against monsters.  Big swings!  Powerful knockbacks!  Special attacks!  These are the things that fun melee is made of.
  • Have a shop system where players can buy and sell items from and to other players, rather than one where players can sell anything to the shopkeeper for gold.  Vendor trash is kind of a silly concept.  Trading should be meaningful.

DO NOT list:
  • DO NOT let the game get bogged down by making it excessively grindy.  RPG elements are fine if you want to include them, but the focus of the game should be on fun fantasy action and exploration, not killing the same five wolves for 10 hours so you can finally tackle the first dungeon.
  • DO NOT give the characters genitalia, or star fishes for that matter.  Age of Time made a good choice by giving the human characters featureless nether regions.  Less explicit nudity means more accessibility.
  • DO NOT let resource-gathering be as handicapped as it is in Age of Time.  Instead of blowing up trees with dynamite, smashing rocks with your sword, and getting dyes from giant wooden crates found in the forest, have systems that make sense.

Misc ideas, include them of you want, or don't:
  • Monsters dropping gold upon death is silly, and so is having them drop "vendor trash" you can sell for a quick buck.  Perhaps they could drop items that are actually relevant to the gameplay, such as those you could use in crafting?  Plus, if you don't want them, you can always put them up on the market for someone else to buy.
  • I'll admit, I love me some varied environments.  Burning deserts, frozen tundras, and haunted meadows could add a lot to the game's atmosphere, especially if given monsters and other features unique and appropriate to the setting.
  • Rather than starting of players with the full range of rather-overpowered spells, perhaps a spell-learning or spell-crafting system could be in order.  It could be as simple as finding scrolls in dungeons, or as complicated as assembling magic runes into new spells.  It's up to you, really.
  • If you ever decide to charge money for certain features of this game, please don't make it a "premium content" system where you can only get certain things if you pay.  Let the player waste their time trying to get the good stuff if the want to, but offer up the option to buy said content as a shortcut.  Again, this is only if you ever decide to monetize the game; ignore this if you want to keep it free.

you have peer to peer and peer to non player character combat? how does that even work? filesharing pictures of hitting each other?

or did you mean PvP and PvE ..