Author Topic: WHAT REALLY GRINDS MY GEARS v21  (Read 8512 times)

Rich people who think life is tough (rich, but I know I have it good.)
People who are so much smarter than me, that take AP classes, then sleep in them.
Attention whores
Super-_____ians (religious freaks / bible thumpers)
Political / religious / moral arguments (especially with parents. Automatic lose.)
People who actually have friends (:panda:) and act like complete richards to EVERYONE 24/7
People who continue to do something after being warned
ANYONE being told they aren't worth something (I'll pay 2 potato for you)

Let me correct you: nobody on these forums has ever implied this. The cunts at my school only seem to play either CSS, or DotA 2. They do try other games but they never stick.
If they are comparing them to League and COD both of them are a huge step up right away from those games.

Saw a hardcore religious girl with a bible verse written on her binder.
Didn't grind my gears but found it funny.

Let me correct you: nobody on these forums has ever implied this. The cunts at my school only seem to play either CSS, or DotA 2. They do try other games but they never stick.
isn't that a good thing

If they are comparing them to League and COD both of them are a huge step up right away from those games.

People who act like this piss me off.

I have no idea what you're saying. But if  you only play dota 2 or source you are a nerd.
I find this mildly offensive >:(

This probably goes for everyone but god damn do I hate it when people don't have common sense, especially when they do stuff in games that works against and AI but not people who are going to get pissed off at your bullstuff.

Facebook and everyone on it
So Chrono and I grind your gears?

You know what grinds my gears?

People that only use this phrase after hearing it on the Family Man.

You know what grinds my gears?

People that only use this phrase after hearing it on the Family Man.

Let me correct you: nobody on these forums has ever implied this. The cunts at my school only seem to play either CSS, or DotA 2. They do try other games but they never stick.

It's probably because both of those games are:
Incredibly Tactical and Team-based
Never-ending Timesinks

And a lot of other games are not.

"woew u ply anyfin otr tan contr strak sors or dot 2 lol NERD ---_________    ---"
If we so happen to encounter each other in reality, do you wanting to engage in combat, bitch?

also people who are against rich people for being rich, they're just jealous and have no friends or family
« Last Edit: February 26, 2013, 04:45:12 AM by Maxwell23461 »

bronies and anyone who watches MLP. also MLP itself

bronies and anyone who watches MLP. also MLP itself
And here comes the storm.