Author Topic: VCE Variables  (Read 359 times)

Mmkay, so I know I have been overly active on the forums as of late, I'll try to stop, or at least slow down. Now, I know bots have come out literally two days ago, but would it be Possible for a vce addon that allows bots to have vce variables attached to them? Such as 'isleader' or stuff you want them to do. There's probably a way already like this and I just haven't found it yet. Also, aside from bots, it would be nice if there were also variables that not only detect what item the player is holding, but also is in his inventory. This could also include armor wear or stuff like flags from CTF gamemodes. If all of this (or any) already exists, put me in the dumpster and ask the doctor to give me Exploding Head syndrome, because I am an idiot anyway.