Author Topic: [BoBl] Bots of Blockland - Fresh out of the box!  (Read 5574 times)

Since the newest revision, adding interactive bots, has influenced me to make a clan. In Bots, we program bots to do mazes, and doors, and we do all kinds of different fun stuff with them!

2013.3.12 - Bots of Blockland is born.

Project names are sorted by status, then alphabetically.

Status: -EMPTY-.

Applications are easy! Just show us your skill even if it is Building, or eventing!

• Your Application must be either posted or built in a BoBl server.

• Your app can not belong to someone else or be currently in service with BoBl.

• Your app can be designed with building or just be evented showing your skills.

• Your app must allow a player to see what the bot is doing.

• Your application must consist of atleast 600 bricks*.

If half the clan likes your application, consider yourself accepted!
*=Building position only

• Have fun, but don't spam. Seriously.

• Don't do anything that common sense wouldn't tell you to.

• Remember, bot explosions are bad!

• Obey all admins, and treat other server goers how you'd like to be treated.

• Don't chat anything your mother wouldn't want to see.

Builder - Your job is to build the designs assigned to you during our projects.

Eventer - Your job is to event the bots and traps/doors throughout the projects. Don't mess these up, events are important c:

Designer - You Design and come up with the ideas for projects. You may only receive this role once you earn it.

Currently, BoBl has 1 members!

RankBlockland IDYYYY.MM.DDNameStatus

Banned ByYYYY.MM.DDVictim BL_IDVictim NameReason

Currently, the blacklist is empty, and we hope to keep it that way.
« Last Edit: March 15, 2013, 03:08:14 PM by Tertahedron »

This post has been reserved for future usage.

well this is cool looking

I need someone to make me A logo and subtitles to go with them, please.

EDIT: I need a good name too.
« Last Edit: March 12, 2013, 07:29:55 PM by Tertahedron »

how do you show your skill for a designer?

Also it says "Applocations
instead of Applications
« Last Edit: March 12, 2013, 07:50:58 PM by The Resonte! »

I need a good name too.
Bots of Blockland [BoBl] the acronym can be pronounced bobble (bob-L).

pass and evar will now proceed to bag all over the place.

i think this is a good idea, wtf

how do you show your skill for a designer?

Also it says "Applocations
instead of Applications
Fixed, Thanks.

Bots of Blockland [BoBl] the acronym can be pronounced bobble (bob-L).
Thanks, I'm using that.

pass and evar will now proceed to bag all over the place.

i think this is a good idea, wtf
My first good idea :cookieMonster:

Good luck to you, clan could go far

I want to app but your server is passworded :c

since you're the clan about bots do this

A game where you have to swim across a lake filled with sharks.
If you die, you get turned into seaweed. Seaweed kills swimmers on touch.
If a swimmer dies by seaweed, the swimmer also becomes seaweed.
The goal is to either : As a seaweed, kill all the swimmers
or As a swimmer, Survive the longest or something?

i'd do this but I am not able to host.

since you're the clan about bots do this

A game where you have to swim across a lake filled with sharks.
If you die, you get turned into seaweed. Seaweed kills swimmers on touch.
If a swimmer dies by seaweed, the swimmer also becomes seaweed.
The goal is to either : As a seaweed, kill all the swimmers
or As a swimmer, Survive the longest or something?

i'd do this but I am not able to host.
You should do this for an app.