Author Topic: Post your voice!  (Read 4098 times)

I made it about 5 seconds through that first video.
3 seconds here, you're strong bro

guys theres a monster in my closet, i'm scared...
here i'll record the sounds

you sound a lot higher than expected

your speakers aren't big enough to carry the extreme amount of bass that comes flowing out of my glorious mouth.

I love seeing these threads because I can see how awesome people's voices are.
I could fill a book with the people whose voices I love. (AKA everyone)

Let's hope ChappersTeddy doesn't post in here, he would totally reach your exemption list for people's voices you hate.

I don't know what why it sounds so wierd, but here:


Scumbag, lol, Are you darth vader?

Wait, calling us scumbags via vocaroo is insane.
« Last Edit: March 13, 2013, 02:56:26 PM by Hotspot »

I'd post my voice, but I have a virus that makes me sound like a hag.

My voice will only be cleared up for a few seconds, so I didn't have much time to cut that out of the recording.