Author Topic: Wii-U is dying.  (Read 8872 times)

Well it took nintendon't 6 years to finally get a console (Wii-U) to be on par with gameplay/graphics to the PS3 and Xbox 360. Now the PS3 and xbox360 are ready to take it a step even further than before with the PS4 and xbox whatever. Plus they should had named it the "Wii 2" because people think this is just some stuffty 300 dollar add-on pack to their old wii. They don't even know it's a whole new console. Doesn't matter anyways because the PS3 is still better than it.

In unrelated news.

The Vita in Japan outsold the 3DS, DSxl and DS this week.

Such a shame, had some pretty good games.

Sony has all 12 of their sony owned studios working on PS4 games and they even have a huge amount of third party developers (blizzard for example) developing PS4 games.

Nintendon't any of this.

The Vita in Japan outsold the 3DS, DSxl and DS this week.
Yet the psp still sold more than the Vita. I'm starting to think my Vita was not worth it as not many "good" games are out for it.

It may look pretty bad now, but i bet that after a while the games start popping up a bit faster. Kind of a shame that the launch time was during when no real big amount of cross platform games were being made.

The WiiU is next gen.

Remember PS3 graphics at the beginning of it's life?
It was stuff.
We don't know how strong the WiiU is or what it can do. It's too soon to judge.

WiiU is not "dying" it's selling better than any consoles except for the Wii did in it's first 3 months and has only just dipped below 100k units sold weekly.

If the WiiU does not get Watch_Dogs, Nintendo should just refund them all and quit.

If only Nintendo didn't only focus on the franchises that only appeal to casual gamers. This is the main reason why I'm losing faith in them.

If this is considered dying, then the 3DS was dead back in 2011.

If the WiiU does not get Watch_Dogs, Nintendo should just refund them all and quit.

currently, it is

I find that nintendo is dying instead of being stuff, my wii U isn't dieing but it freezes when I do certain things. which causes me to unplug it and such. Hopefully if nintendo does go out of business. somebody will continue there franchises(If that means continuing Mario games and such). And make the games better then before.

Thankfully the Wii U still has a load of downloadable games.

It may look pretty bad now, but i bet that after a while the games start popping up a bit faster. Kind of a shame that the launch time was during when no real big amount of cross platform games were being made.

For a long period of time I didn't even know the Wii-u was a whole new "next generation" console.  I thought it was like some expensive second screen add-on pack for your wii which would had been a much more profitable option. I still think they should had called it "Wii 2" to avoid such unnecessarily confusion. They also didn't get the word out. It just randomly showed up one day.

To make matters worse, someone hi-jacked a whole shipment of wii-u merchandise costing over 100,000 million dollars of damages.