Author Topic: AhriQueenOfBronies spamming Badspot's Hydro Speedkart Party  (Read 5542 times)

Quote from: Grassy
> 1 brony acts handicapped
> "TIEM 2 HAT AL BRONI!!!!!111"
> *Facepalm*
Also, wrong use of meme arrows. When you say "> *Facepalm*" You're saying that I facepalmed at myself, ya big dummy!!!
Also, I don't necessarily have anything against you Grassy, you're a nice guy.
Just because I don't consider bronies friends when I first meet them doesn't mean I don't have brony friends. The actual reason I hate them is because of how idiotic most of them act.
But yeah, "forget all bronies" wasn't really good to say.