Author Topic: Update about the starfish who I used to call my friend  (Read 4515 times)

Today, one of my friends came to my house to work on a project with me. He's one of those friends that when you're playing videos games he says, "Let me play!" then takes the controller while you have to watch him learn the basics for an hour. So today, he started chasing me around my house with some sort of cat toy that really hurts if you get slapped in the face with it. He chases me into my room and I tell him that I don't want him in here because I'm cleaning and it is messy. He tells me it looks like stuff then starts kicking things around. He finds my old Nickelodeon telephone and starts kicking it against a wall. I tell him it's an antique and I don't want him breaking things from my childhood. He tells me "It isn't antique unless it's over 15 years old!" to which I reply that it's 16 years old. He proceeds to kick the forget out of it and breaks it then says that my room is stuff.

That is why I don't have people over at my house.

(Old OP)

So, after this happened, I told my friends about this and we all agreed that he's an asswipe. He then starts getting all mad like the pissbag he is and starts trying to make my friend and I look bad. After Spring Break my friend and I decided to put baked beans in his milk at lunch (which is a stupid revenge but whatever) and he finds out and starts yelling at us. He then starts to cry and stuff and act like a tough guy and say "Uohuhh, they put stuff in my milk all the time and forget with my lunch." He starts making us look like jerk offs and starfishs all the time. When we were playing kickball a week or so ago, I was at third base, ready to run to home plate. The person kicking it started kicking the ball about 5 feet, so I decided not to run to home because there was a high chance I would get out. No one seemed to care that I didn't run, and later on I made it to home plate. He starts telling me I'm an idiot for not running even though we played it. I tell him he's the idiot because he acts like hes some buff forgetface who's great at sports and that manages to get 2 balls and 2 fouls, then finally kicks it and gets out. He starts loving to me that it isn't relevant and that I'm fat and suck at sports. I ask my friend to back me up on this argument and show him that he's an ignorant cunt and shouldn't start stuff like this if he's just going to repeat one statement. My friend agrees with me that he sucks at sports and that he's wrong. We argue some more and I'm ready to clock him in the loving face when he brings back up the telephone and how much of a pusillanimous individual I am. I call him a loving selfish dyke and we really haven't talked much anymore.

Yesterday he sent me this on Facebook:

ooh so scary
go eat a richard you monday


this kid is the most selfish little cunt you can imagine
just because he has ADHD or whatever doesn't mean he can be a richard sucking assface

he also thinks hes some expert writer and posts his gay stories on facebook

speaking of facebook, lets look at his likes

hmm... worthless apps and meme websites, yeah that really mature

as I said in the previous edit, he thinks he's some tough motherforgeter
no. he's not.
Just because I can't beat him in a sport doesn't mean he's loving macho
did I mention he's really short?
omg i'm so scared of some kid whos 4'6" and black and has a yellow belt in karate.
he can go wank his little rooster to sleep tonight if he thinks I'm threatened by little posts like these

omg so loving scary considering this is your average posts by him

and lets not forget this

no no no you little vagina scab
how about you shut the forget up before I shove your head in a file cabinet and rip your jaw off over the emotional distress and depression you've caused me by turning friends against me, acting like an asswipe, and being the most unneeded waste of human resource and nobody likes. I can't take another second of you whining about how hard your life is and why your dad verbally abuses you. Now go jack your little richard off to sonic reskins. I won't be surprised the day that somebody throws you off a building in a bodybag you piece of loving stuff.
« Last Edit: May 12, 2013, 06:26:24 PM by Freek »

Wow, what the forget. What a richard.

Why would you ever invite someone like him into your house?

one of my friends
how are you still calling him this?

sounds like your friend is stuff.

loving beat the stuff outta him.
If he breaks your stuff, break him.

Wow, what the forget. What a richard.
Yeah. The entire time he was here all he did was cuss and tell me I'm stupid.

Why would you ever invite someone like him into your house?
to work on a project with me.


Some friend you have.

Beat his ass man, don't take his stuff.


Some friend you have.
loving beat the stuff outta him.
If he breaks your stuff, break him.
That guy is an ASS
Yeah, I hate him a lot, but I've known him for 8 years so telling him I hate him would be mean imo.

So, you call him a "friend." Wow.
This always happens. When someone makes a thread about some messed up crazy bitch, they still call them a "friend." I don't know why.

the words Nickelodeon and Telephone make me laugh

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