Author Topic: Who is most hated?  (Read 6792 times)

I have been curious for some time for who is the most hated person on AoT and not to long ago i was on a server of 7 people, 5 of which hated me, lol, i also notice that other people who hated were not on. So, who is most hated, in your opinion?

Easy, it's Badspot. He has the ability to do whatever he wants, whenever he wants, so most people are very jealous. I'm not saying I hate him, but really, a lot of people must be jealous.

Hasn't this topic all ready been made?

not sure, but badspot doesn't count :P

DarkLight, Ephialtes and Skylord are my say. Oh, an german mushroom

They're hated?

If they're hated, Skoposh must be devil-on-earth.

Sky gave me a spare Plutonium Crossbow, Dark didn't kill me on sight, and Ephi's cool enough to not bomb me in the bank.

The two most hated people I think would be Skoposh and Vampiro Cop. Vampiro's a moron who uses code too much and is too stupid to make his own, due to him being a wimp and getting it off of other guys who give it to him for free out of pity, and Skoposh stole money. He's about the only person who did it so he's really the only one remotely qualified.

Redwolf, I still dislike you.  :cookieMonster:

Almost everyone steals money.

I am about to finish this thread.


Store is awesome when he's on your side. If he isn't, watch out, lol.

As Anti-Cop said "Cougar" if you were to know him you would rather chew on broken glass then to meet this "wounderful" fella...