Author Topic: is it just me, or did youtube throttle bandwidth on every browser but chrome?  (Read 1399 times)

no, really.

i load a video, it loads like ass.

i load the same video on chrome, it works.

is anybody else getting this same throttling problem?

prob google advertising at its finest

youtube is slow for me too

Well that's simply because Chrome is faster and better in every way.

youtube is slow for me too wow
and im using chrome

Well that's simply because Chrome is faster and better in every way.
- Google

Thats because google wants you to join their botnet with chrome

Well that's simply because Chrome is faster and better in every way.

I've used both chrome and firefox and there's no notable difference in speed.

They both look, feel and handle the same and it's dumb to argue with others over this.

Well that's simply because Chrome is faster and better in every way.
shut up
except it is and you're dumb
shut up
chrome masterrace
shut up im sticking with this flaming fox, forget the future because its all chrome.
foxes on fire are much better.

Thats because google wants you to join their botnet with chrome
>purpsefully throttling bandwidth for other browser users
>not obvious that google is doing this just so you join the chrome userbase

Why weren't you using Chrome in the first place?

I used to love firefox
But then chrome caught my eye one day
so instead of filing for a divorce which would take six months i bought a gun in three days, killed firefox, and ran off with my lady chrome

That's what i think of your flaming friend OP

Why weren't you using Chrome in the first place?

Because firefox is his preference.

That's what i think of your flaming friend OP

What the forget is with different browsers that pisses everyone off? It doesn't directly interfere with you at all, what's the big issue?