Author Topic: How did you last die?? V3??  (Read 19545 times)

so post how you last died (tel gam pls!!) (also pix!!)


the tank always goes for loving nick god isaoufgiad

Last death was to a badass varkid as an anarchy!gaige in Borderlands 2 after losing all of her stacks of anarchy to the same badass varkid.

Got forgeted pretty hard by a couple of Stalkers while a Centurion on my team decided to stand in my way.

Deadly water in Blockland.

Fell off the damn edge because I loving suck at playing Falco

Kuma knocked me out in street fighter x tekken

played amnesia, pooped pants (literally, not metaphorically), and died from embarrassment.

I was eaten by a T-Rex.

died in grunty industries in banjo-tooie...


You die.
Your gravestone reads:
  Little Johnny was a chemist. Now he is no more. 'Cause what he thought was H20, was H2SO4.
Do you want your possessions identified? [ynq]

played amnesia, pooped pants (literally, not metaphorically), and died from embarrassment.
If you actually get scared, feel afraid or start whimpering in Amnesia, you deserve to get your pants soiled.

If you actually get scared, feel afraid or start whimpering in Amnesia, you deserve to get your pants soiled.
>has likely never played amnesia

I fell into lava in the Nether by walking backward too far when me and my friend were trying to lure some Zombie Pigmen into a portal
(Minecraft, if you're that dumb)